Recent content by 92

  1. 92

    This is Angoon *(edit: theeeeeyyyyy're backkkkk)*

  2. 92

    Raiders @ the SD Chargers 11/1/09

    The raiders will lose big in SD as they always do.
  3. 92

    My Luxurious Weekend (PICS)

  4. 92

    This is Angoon *(edit: theeeeeyyyyy're backkkkk)*

    YO op, how/where/when did you find this??? "this is Gold jerry, gold"
  5. 92

    This is Angoon *(edit: theeeeeyyyyy're backkkkk)*

    Sorry, but it's already been done Peep my post above.
  6. 92

    This is Angoon *(edit: theeeeeyyyyy're backkkkk)*

    since they disabled the comments, I had to send them a message via youtube of this thread. They need to know that they suck.
  7. 92

    Official Jets @ Raiders Game Thread 10/25/09

    #!!% losing teams.
  8. 92

    Official Cowboys VS. Falcons Post.....Romo > Ryan...

    great win boys
  9. 92

    raiders/eagles thread

  10. 92

    Homecoming Was Great. Now I Need Legal Advice. vol. friend is an idiot.

    your friend is in big doodoo
  11. 92

    UCONN starting cornerback Jasper Howard died Sunday

    does anyone know what happened?
  12. 92

    .::Official 10/25 SF 49ers @ Houston Texans::.

    Go 9ers
  13. 92

    Minority NTers, i need your help!

    Pakistani-American 1. A minority in america is a person who is born with some sort of constraint that inhibits him or her from being able to thrive in this nation. (theinhibitors include race, social status, physical/mental disadvantages) 2. Yes many times because of my ethnicity 3. When I was...
  14. 92

    :::[Official] San Francisco 49ers vs. St. Louis Rams @ Candlestick 10/04:::

    arguing with me over something as trivial as this is ridiculous. you guys are idiots. :logs off:
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