Recent content by amine2345

  1. amine2345

    NT, Have you ever been with a girl with DD's?

    everyone in here could Pretty Much make my day...
  2. amine2345

    5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam *WARNING*: Substantial Amount of Words

    i think you missed a few things there. the point is that people think that all muslim women wear burqas, so they used france as a great example because burqas were a large issue for a while in france. france passed the law banning burqas in june/july 2010, as the link in the article shows...
  3. amine2345

    5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam *WARNING*: Substantial Amount of Words

    i think you missed a few things there. the point is that people think that all muslim women wear burqas, so they used france as a great example because burqas were a large issue for a while in france. france passed the law banning burqas in june/july 2010, as the link in the article shows...
  4. amine2345

    Dumb things you've heard people say

    in 9th grade my social studies teacher asked me to give a talk about islam to our class, so someone asks about what can be eaten me: well, we don't eat pork... teacher: so you've never eaten pork? me: no. teacher: not even ham? me: no.  teacher: not even bacon? me: no.  teacher: what...
  5. amine2345

    S.O believes in a different religion?

    not to get too personal, but just wondering cause my brother's in a similar situation with his girlfriend: how were you raised? muslim, christian, both, or neither? did you have baptism/communion? did you go to church? did both your parents go to church, mosque, both or neither?
  6. amine2345

    Lebron James FATHEAD FOR $17.41

    doesn't dan gilbert own fatheads? 1741 = the year benedict arnold was born...
  7. amine2345

    Lebron James FATHEAD FOR $17.41

    doesn't dan gilbert own fatheads? 1741 = the year benedict arnold was born...
  8. amine2345

    Birdman richest in the rap industry?

    I'm not gonna pretend to know anything about another mans bank account but a simple google search of "how much is birdman worth" seems to suggest baby is somewhere between 350 and 450 million. Jay z is around 600 million alone, and apparently close to a billion if you include beyonce. Take...
  9. amine2345

    Rep your college

  10. amine2345


    Yeah cutler had almost the same thing with getting sick and not knowing why. Shouldn't be a problem though it's relatively easy to control. Adam Morrison has it and so does chris Dudley. They're not sure if he's gonna play against cincy but as a diabetic, hoya, and med student I can say there's...
  11. amine2345


    Freeman apparently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
  12. amine2345

    NT: Would you not date someone because of their race?

    i was told straight to my face by this thick white girl i was smashing senior year of college that she could never introduce me to her parents cause i wasn't white enough (mixed). this was at georgetown btw, which, unfortunately, i think was more the rule than the exception there.
  13. amine2345

    You Know Whats Sad Osama Bin Laden Has One Of The Realest Quotes About America

    since you apparently can't comprehend anything that isn't dumbed down for you, his point is that 9/11 as tragic as it was, was a single attack onAMERICA! but the KKK has committed thousands of attacks on AMERICANS on AMERICAN soil. Maybe that doesnt "count" to you because they aren'tMuslim or...
  14. amine2345

    If only Randy Moss had the heart of Wes Welker....

    eh. i definitely think he takes plays off when they're not going to his side, but at the same time, even when they are going to his side he doesn'tlook like he's trying, even when he's making great plays. that's just sort of his style. he doesn't have to look like he's giving 110% andmaking hard...
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