Recent content by datprepboivinc3

  1. datprepboivinc3

    Anybody still play black ops zombies?

    Datprepboivinc3 I'm down!
  2. datprepboivinc3

    Yall using one towel every few days or a different towel everyday when showering?

    I cycle towels/ Wash cloths every 3 days.
  3. datprepboivinc3

    College students how do u make money?

    Working at a restaurant. I'm making paper dog! Op you should try it
  4. datprepboivinc3

    Before Pauly D.... there were the Gotti Bros

    Who cares though. Waste of a thread.
  5. datprepboivinc3

    Dan Le Batard's father does the birdcall...

    I thought the show was ridiculous and had no chance at first but after a while it began to grow on me. There are times where the show has good humor and like someone already said the interviews are usually on point. My favorite Lines by Papi are "Welcome to son's TV Show" or "Si, Si, Si, I'm...
  6. datprepboivinc3

    NT, A Question Of Hygiene Vol. Washcloth vs. Hands

    I use a washcloth but I have a question. Can you use a soap bar on a loofah? or only body wash? Yes im srs.
  7. datprepboivinc3

    Aries Spears Rap Impersonations (LL Cool J, Snoop Dogg, DMX and Jay-Z)

    Played out. He was on ESPN's Sports Nation the other day and he did the same old CORNY Impersonations. 
  8. datprepboivinc3

    Is it Just Me...How do Your Friends Have Fun? (Alcohol)

    I was always this way. I mean drinking and smoking for every event to create "fun" This was until I began doing this way to much and I couldn't remember the fun times I had. It hit me when I couldn't remember going to the Heat playoff game last year. It felt really crappy to not remember...
  9. datprepboivinc3

    Let's see yalls rides!

    That car is real ugly bro. Im sorry
  10. datprepboivinc3

    NT What's in the Back/Trunk of your Vehicle??

  11. datprepboivinc3

    Any Nters use to be fat

    Congrats to you guys who put forth the effort to lose weight. BIG UPS!!
  12. datprepboivinc3

    Do Nice Guys Finish Last In Life

    Yupp It is true & sad to say its the story of my life. HOWEVER I wont let it stop me. One day I will be "that guy"
  13. datprepboivinc3

    The older you get, the less friends you have....

    Yupp. You would think with social media you'd have more friends. But it seems like people still remain the same. 
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