Recent content by jfaceproducer

  1. jfaceproducer

    my mind is blown right now many people to reply to..but I'm not lol. A believer vs a Non-Believer will go in circles forever. All I'll say is this. I don't believe in secular religious teachings. I believe in the unknown. I believe we've yet to know what "god" really is. God could just be a superior alien from a...
  2. jfaceproducer

    This Is Why You Leave Some People The Hell Alone...

    possible. he can plea self defense. They'll have to go to the tapes for this tho  btw...that f'in lady should of mind her business. Did she clearly not see they provoked him. If they were attacking her, and she had that god-body whip, she wouldn't have gone ham???? **@$ 
  3. jfaceproducer

    The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

    I guarantee that Byakuya will end up to be a Zenbonzakura clone and will engulf that dude. as for Naruto manga, that was crazy I had a feeling it was either him or his brother. I still think Tobi is Madara. somehow he managed to split himself in two using some sort of jutsu that required the...
  4. jfaceproducer

    The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

    I guarantee that Byakuya will end up to be a Zenbonzakura clone and will engulf that dude. as for Naruto manga, that was crazy I had a feeling it was either him or his brother. I still think Tobi is Madara. somehow he managed to split himself in two using some sort of jutsu that required the...
  5. jfaceproducer

    my mind is blown right now

    He is right...god did not create evil. God told Abraham to kill his own son (as he eventually killed his own, Jeebus). God did not accept Cain's offering of fruits and veggies, and instead praised Abel for killing a lamb as a sacrifice.  God killed Egypt's first borns God told Saul to kill...
  6. jfaceproducer

    my mind is blown right now

    lol if the bible is the "word of god" it should be plain to understand to all. There should be NO "interpretations" its either FACT or OPINION. You can't say "oh but he really didn't mean 24 hours" the hell is that?   I don't understand how people can defend something to the death that they're...
  7. jfaceproducer

    The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

    Naruto = Hercules. Madara = Zeus. Sasuke = Hades  still waiting on Sasquash's EMS.  The series looks like it will have a great ending.  as for Bleach...I'm just waiting for him to go back to Soul Society and see what's changed. I bet Byakuya's now the Captain Commander. he's that dude  
  8. jfaceproducer

    The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

    Naruto = Hercules. Madara = Zeus. Sasuke = Hades  still waiting on Sasquash's EMS.  The series looks like it will have a great ending.  as for Bleach...I'm just waiting for him to go back to Soul Society and see what's changed. I bet Byakuya's now the Captain Commander. he's that dude  
  9. jfaceproducer

    Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

    Great thread! Well It's my turn to express my theories. Hmmmm....where do I begin? 1)  Religion is the basis of power/control for the elites (even over money).    a) Reilgion - religion psychologically breaks down the human mind through numerous methods, that when combined has an incredible...
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