Recent content by jordanjayyy7

  1. jordanjayyy7

    indiglo 14- 8/13/16

    Love my pair. Rocked em for the first time today. 128526
  2. jordanjayyy7

    Name 5 pro athletes you hate and why

    Flacco. Idk. Autocorrect said flaccid tho. Carmello cuz he's capable of more Roger federer. Don't like his swag Alex smith. Raider fan. Aaron Rodgers. Looks self entitled.
  3. jordanjayyy7

    Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

    in law came up on a sz 10 but he don't want it. so if i strike out I'm planning on coppin his pair and trade em for a sz 11.
  4. jordanjayyy7

    FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

    Idk man. Tatum on some no french accent? Is he slick enough?
  5. jordanjayyy7

    Homeless guy survives by picking up women 3-4x a week

    He could still sleep on the sidewalk when he's too drunk.
  6. jordanjayyy7

    Homeless guy survives by picking up women 3-4x a week

    150 a day. Dude could at least buy a car.
  7. jordanjayyy7

    NFL Legal Thread: Ray Rice/Adrian Peterson DV cases

    ] pretty sure everyones seen it but just in case ya didn't.
  8. jordanjayyy7

    NFL Legal Thread: Ray Rice/Adrian Peterson DV cases

    Both dudes need jail time. Ray Rice's incident vs. Michael Vic,,, Since Mike Vic came back then its only fair if Ray Rice returns as well. Whats up with AP losing a kid then beating his other kid. :{ **** aint right.
  9. jordanjayyy7

    NFL Legal Thread: Ray Rice/Adrian Peterson DV cases

    Im just wondering how many people out there picked up AP first on their draft.
  10. jordanjayyy7

    APPLE THREAD | Apple Event Sept. 12th 10 a.m. PDT/1 p.m. EDT | iPhone 15

    getting out of my att family plan and going solo into t-mobile with the 6
  11. jordanjayyy7

    So I Am Writing A Paper On The Mental Affects InstaGrams Has On The Female Mind

    D. Easy way out. into, paragraph 1- A, paragraph 2-B, Paragraph 3-D, Closing statements. Finished. B grade. celebrate :smoking
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