Recent content by nosqadupper

  1. nosqadupper

    The Air Jordan XVI returns in 2016

    This just happened to me a couple of weeks ago.Hit 1 and 2 instead of just 2. It ended up not being a problem at all. Just head over to your local post office and tell them that you had a typo in your address. They'll give you this piece of paper to put your correct address on and your phone...
  2. nosqadupper

    Must see/do in Washington DC

    Just spent 3 days there last week and walked about 15 miles of the city. The one thing I wouldn't miss the next time I go is the arboretum. I've been to DC 3 times and the ~half day I spent walking that was the best thing I've ever done there
  3. nosqadupper

    The Official Photography Thread - Vol. 3

    Anyone interested in a d3200, Walmart is blowing them out for 199 with kit lens Item number is 20920869
  4. nosqadupper

  5. nosqadupper

    bank advice

    401k up to the match, then Ira up to the max, then something like for no hassle allocation
  6. nosqadupper

    Who is the strongest Marvel character?

    I don't know if storm could hit him with anything before he just sucked the water out of her body. Maybe if they were really far away from each other storm would have the advantage. Might just have to just go with Jubilee then
  7. nosqadupper

    Who is the strongest Marvel character?

    Iceman for sure. He can survive the destruction of his own body and come back. If they ever developed Jubilee instead of just letting her stay a secondary character, I would say her. More powerful than the hulk
  8. nosqadupper

    Any whisky drinkers on here?

    Suntory Yamazaki 12 and 18 year
  9. nosqadupper

    The days of illegal downloading coming to an end

    Except for the fact that your opinion completely ignores reality.  Only the biggest artists make money off of touring and merch.  Everyone else barely scrapes by.  This has all been reported for years. The top 1% of artists account for 82% of record...
  10. nosqadupper

    Prop 8 overturned- Equality/Love/Common Sense 1 Hate 0

    That's the danger right now.  I personally think the court would be split on this, and the worst thing that could happen is a broad decision going the wrong way.  Even if the decision is wrong, but narrow, we can wait for a better court.
  11. nosqadupper

    Prop 8 overturned- Equality/Love/Common Sense 1 Hate 0

    you are seriously overestimating fundamentalists' ability to think logically
  12. nosqadupper

    Prop 8 overturned- Equality/Love/Common Sense 1 Hate 0

    Prop 8 overturned about an hour ago:
  13. nosqadupper

    The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

    Some recent stuff I've noticed they've added that's worth watching Horror: Trollhunter, Cold Fish, Rammbock, Dream Home Criterion: Secret Sunshine, Hunger, Carlos, Fish Tank, The Killing Documentary: A Film Unfinished, Waiting for Superman TV: Downtown Abbey, Louie, Being Human Others...
  14. nosqadupper

    The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

    Some recent stuff I've noticed they've added that's worth watching Horror: Trollhunter, Cold Fish, Rammbock, Dream Home Criterion: Secret Sunshine, Hunger, Carlos, Fish Tank, The Killing Documentary: A Film Unfinished, Waiting for Superman TV: Downtown Abbey, Louie, Being Human Others...
  15. nosqadupper

    Playstation plus 1 year sub for 14.39

    Didn't want this good deal to get lost in the playstation thread, but Target has a misprint in their ad for this week and you can get 1 year playstation plus cards for 14.39.  Just grab an ad from customer service and tell whoever is working the registers in electronics that you want to price...
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