Recent content by prfessorbigsock

  1. prfessorbigsock

    Post Your Twitters Vol #followfriday

    I follow back
  2. prfessorbigsock

    What do you think you are best known for on NT?

    Hmm... what do you guys say?
  3. prfessorbigsock

    The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

    If you like raunchy comedies like The Hangover, I recommend KLOWN. It's foreign and it has subtitles, but it is hilarious. Reminded me a lot of Curb Your Enthusiasm as well
  4. prfessorbigsock

    So INCEPTION is One of the BEST Movies I have ever seen... Vol. Christopher "The Man" Nolan

    Nolan is one of the best current directors. Here is how I rank his filmography 1. The Dark Knight 2. Memento 3. Inception 4. The Dark Knight Rises 5. Batman Begins 6. The Prestige 7. Following 8. Insomnia
  5. prfessorbigsock

    If you could have any super power what would it be?

    Mind control. I thought about invisibility, but it's gotta be mind control
  6. prfessorbigsock

    Post Your Twitters Vol #followfriday

  7. prfessorbigsock

    NT! Please VOTE for my GF in Maxim's Hometown Hotties!

    Voted. got you, man. Good luck!
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