Recent content by robla914

  1. R

    Whats Your Favorite Sneaker Shop?

    nah just unyellowing my soles and realized practically every pair i got 2009-current day has been from here minus the yeezys. but corks, denim, area 72, 11's, ect... Bait x Asics WESTNYC X new balance 
  2. R

    Whats Your Favorite Sneaker Shop?

  3. R

    Whats Your Favorite Sneaker Shop?

    this is a question for the ages, I'm from the NYC area and sneaker stores are a dime a dozen but very little stores around here have the contracts that can keep up with the ever changing market place. My go to spot is a Mom and Pop shop called "Sneaker Lounge" in Eastchester,NY and Westwood,NJ...
  4. R


    I'm wondering what bulb to get for unyellowing my 2001 space jams soles UV bulb or daylight' (6500k) colored bulbs?
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