Recent content by sundizzle

  1. sundizzle

    Can NT have a LOCKOUT like the NFL and NBA VOL. REVOLUTION

    November 5th. I'm coming with the fury. Don't know what happened but seems like I can only post one thread a day now.  I'm someone that posts thoughtfully 99% of the time so I have no idea where this random restriction came from.  Might have to give up NT to focus on more real life based...
  2. sundizzle

    Need Tips for Studying Vol. its a new year!

    Ya'll are is mad easy. If you want B's just make sure you know when you have to turn things in. Do a ton of problems on your own and learn weeks of material in a few days. Talk to sorority chicks and get them to hook you up with the class notes from their files.
  3. sundizzle

    Bigger Impact: Michael Jackson or J.K Rowling??

    Based on some of your reasoning Justin Bieber is one of the most influential people to ever walk the earth...making girls cry and what not.
  4. sundizzle

    NT's Writers: Let's Write A Story Vol. 8/2011

    While making the call, a guy just started shaking it in front of him yelling Harlem.
  5. sundizzle

    Bigger Impact: Michael Jackson or J.K Rowling??

    I think people are misinterpreting the spirit of the question. Impact doesn't mean whether they made people cry or not, that's a ridiculous gauge of effect. Also, this is not a MJ vs. J.K Rowling (the person) book, it is M.J versus her legacy (the Harry Potter series). Who she particularly is...
  6. sundizzle

    Bigger Impact: Michael Jackson or J.K Rowling??

    J.K Rowling Her book series is the #1 of all time, in number of books sold (450 million). Her movie franchise is the #1 movie franchise of all time ($7.6 billion). Her books have been translated into 70 different distinct languages. Prime: 1997-2011 (books + movies) Michael Jackson Best...
  7. sundizzle

    how do you buy gas nt vol 8 ammmmmmmm 70 ?

    This.  Whenever it is convenient and I am near low.  Usually, after hoopin or something I'll stop by the gas station with my boys and chillax get a powerade or something so i'll fill up while I am there.
  8. sundizzle

    Bigger Impact: Michael Jackson or J.K Rowling??

    Randomly doing a bit of late night reading on both.  Who does NT think has had a bigger impact globally?
  9. sundizzle

    I want to lose 20lbs before 1/1/12. Any tips?

    Oh snap.  For real?! What about if it a little off.  I don't eat breakfast.  Eat about a 400-500 calorie meal for lunch at 12 pm.  Then I do a bit of light cardio/weights from 5-6.  Between 6-10 I eat another 1300 calories (two medium burritos, bagelwiches, type stuff, and some fruits/veggies).
  10. sundizzle

    NT whose wrong here: Roomate Situation vol. College

    Your situation makes no sense. Why are you guys (well just you) willing to COVER his rent? Just because he is out for 4 months doesn't mean he can't still live at the spot. If he uses financial aid to pay for his schooling and can't pay the rent, it is his responsibility to find someone to...
  11. sundizzle

    Troy or Gladiator?

    Okay. The consensus seems to be that Gladiator is the better movie, and an all time classic, but Troy is the movie that has a much higher replay value. I judge this is because Troy doesn't really have a break in the action; it is basically a momentous ride of just setting up for the next...
  12. sundizzle

    Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

    I've taught overseas for a year and a half right now.  My current two year contract ends in March.  I make about 1900-2200 a month (depending on exchange rate), no taxes are taken out (US or this country), and they hook you up with an apartment rent free.  The teaching is relatively easy, 22...
  13. sundizzle

    Memphis Principal Killed By Student

    Urgh. Can't even response to how pissed off this makes me.
  14. sundizzle

    NT, how do i ask out my Vet?

    I think you should go up to her say plan of coming in here and buying dog food everyday until you asked me out isn't working...i think my dog is going to get fat before that happens....sooo...let's go out sometime, how bout something low key like hit up Paris, go to New York, or coffee...
  15. sundizzle

    NT help me find a gift for my dad...currency

    Dad is getting older, would really like to buy him something more thoughtful for his upcoming birthday.  He loves getting currency from countries (not the coins, but moreso the actual paper notes) and my google abilities are seeming to fail me.  Anyone know where it would be possible to buy...
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