Recent content by wavechappelle89

  1. wavechappelle89

    Kevin Durant's Tatoos - Lots of them - who knew

    I kinda clucks with it dude is tryna hold onto his marketability as long as possible..Tryna front like he's not an undercover goon
  2. wavechappelle89

    CHICAGO PEOPLE....Help me out!

    Go to any mexican joint on the corner..spend 5 bucks and eat like a king
  3. wavechappelle89

    Whats your Major? Vol. Hard choice...

    Major: Sports Management Minor: Cinema Studies
  4. wavechappelle89

    *Rappers Who Have The Lyrics But Not The Delivery**

    Big L in my opinion, obviously the OG punchline king, but something about his flow always seems off.
  5. wavechappelle89

    Does Steve Nash make it into the Hall minus the MVP's?

    Is Dirk a Hall of Famer because he was the first European MVP winner?especially since his MVP was purely regular season (although Kobe's season wasremarkable) as he went on to get embarrassed in the playoffs
  6. wavechappelle89

    Does Steve Nash make it into the Hall minus the MVP's?

    I guess you could say Joe Johnson was showing promise with the Celtics, and yes the D'Antoni offense was perfect for that collection of players, butwithout Nash they would've slightly better than the Knicks if that.
  7. wavechappelle89

    Does Steve Nash make it into the Hall minus the MVP's?

    Without the MVP's nash has a solid career, but def not HOF status, but in terms of making the players around him better, I think he deserves top 10pg's of all time. Look what he did for Joe Johnson, Shawn Marion, and Amare.
  8. wavechappelle89

    You like to smoke WEED, huh?

    that's a fresh blunt they chose for the article
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