Recent content by wildmoodswings

  1. wildmoodswings

    INDIE Music Thread

    Wow, completely missed this thread. ! :hat
  2. wildmoodswings

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    It music from the movie Beyond the Black Rainbow; the movie isn't good, but this is sick. :x :hat Psychedelic goodness.
  3. wildmoodswings

    Post favorite comedian podcast or youtube clips, radio interviews.

    George Carlin audiobooks. He narrates them, so you don't have to listen to some robotic voice reading his sentiments. They're hilarious, and he will make you put things into question, whether it be a minuscule occurrence or morals of those who you encounter everyday.
  4. wildmoodswings

    Song of the day

    El Perro Del Mar - Walk on By. :hat Off her upcoming album. Lykke Li fans should take a liking to her.
  5. wildmoodswings

    ****Official ROCK Music .. What are you listening to??****

    Took me awhile to get around to it, but I really like Julia Holter's Ekstasis. :hat :hat
  6. wildmoodswings

  7. wildmoodswings

    Best Albums of the Year. (Mixtapes are a different thread).

    Almost forgot about this. Jessie Ware - Devotion.
  8. wildmoodswings

    NT: What College Are Yall Repping?

    Western Connecticut State University. :{ |I :|
  9. wildmoodswings

    Official Louie Season 3 Thread ~ S03E13 - New Year's Eve

    I hope his youngest daughter, Jane, doesn't learn to pronounce words correctly anytime soon. :lol Her nonchalant, almost condescending, attitude while she's telling Louie her sister left the house was pretty funny. She reacted as if it were perfectly normal, and she didn't know how to make it...
  10. wildmoodswings

    Trey Songz – Chapter V

    That CNN article was terrific; well-written, brought up valid points, and was informative. Overall, of course the genre is bad, but R&B songs with the combination Hip-Hop devalues the quality even more, now. It's sad, because the genres used to blend nicely, and is still done frequently, but...
  11. wildmoodswings

    Lianne La Havas: Sophmore Album "Blood" Releasing July 31st; It's Here!

    :o :hat Is Your Love Big Enough and Forget just don't blend well with the rest of the album to me; aside from those tracks, I love everything. She'll be coming to NYC in a couple weeks, I'm thinking about going.
  12. wildmoodswings

    Best Albums of the Year. (Mixtapes are a different thread).

    Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory. Ariel Pink - Mature Themes.
  13. wildmoodswings

    Women of the 2012 Olympic Games

    :rollin One of the funniest wrestling .gifs I've seen. :rollin Nice. :o
  14. wildmoodswings

    Best Albums of the Year. (Mixtapes are a different thread).

    I'm really liking Lianne La Havas's album. Heard this the other day, thought it was pretty good. It's folk. Right Away, Great Captain - The Church of the Good Thief:
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