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  1. jykwon

    LC on toro 4s plz help me out!!

    ppl say the size on the box looks off. what are your thought? never owned a pair of 4s so cannot tell. Thank you in advance.
  2. jykwon

    Legit Check on Carmine 6s Plz help!!

    Plz help a new collector out!! Need experts' take on this.  Thank you very much in advance. 
  3. jykwon

    Repost: LC on Infrared Jordan 3s.

    LC on these shoes. Greatly appreciate your feedback.
  4. jykwon

    Jordan Carmine 6s Legit Check

    Legit Check on these 6s. Thank you in advance in helping!
  5. jykwon

    Legit check on Infrared 3s.

    Legit check on these 3s plz.  Want to get experts' take on this!
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