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  1. doofelos

    whats the longest youve gone without eating?

    sometimes if i have a big midnight snack i dont need to eat when i wake up for hours.. like today its 6pm and i have not ate a thing... and its not like im starving its like i dont feel like getting any food for myself. curious as to what the longest youve gone without eating is whether it be...
  2. doofelos

    Official skateboarding thread vol. whats your shred sled lookin like?

      whats up nters... so back in the day when i used to be on nsbdotorg i remember there was a skateboarding thread where people posted their set-ups and trick tips, and also where anybody who had questions about skateboarding came and asked. I thought it would be fun to start a thread about it...
  3. doofelos

    Any nters who transferred from a community college to a 4-year institute?

    the majority of my two years spent at cc was spent on and a little bit of studying on the side. I barely met any new people but i wasnt worried about it since it is community college and most people there are the in and out types. This fall i am headed to a university and i was wondering if any...
  4. doofelos

    whats your relationship with your ex(s) like?

    if you were to see your ex somewhere unplanned, what would you do? i personally always keep the conversation on the surface level and keep it movin
  5. doofelos

    Need music suggestions for dad vol. father's day

    seeing as how i got no ends right now and father's day is tomorrow, i was thinking of filling up my dad's empty ipod with some music so he has somethin to listen to while drivin to work and what not.. the problem is that I have NO idea where to start. im not too sure what type of music he likes...
  6. doofelos

    RIP RichD TURF FEINZ... one of the illest vids ive seen in a while

    on a side note: these dudes are all part of the same fam as nht boyz and da blocknocs
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