Search results

  1. wartortle

    Need advice on yard work Vol Do you take pride on your lawn?

    Alright fam, to me, there's nothing worse than having to cut your lawn on a weekly basis, especially when your lawn looks like ****! I'm talking weeds, dirt patches, dried out areas, the whole nine yards. I feel like I'd actually enjoy cutting if the land was level with luscious green grass. ...
  2. wartortle

    Niketalk Hobbies Vol. What did you do today?

    It's summer and being a student and having a job, I find myself spending a lot of my free time on video games. It's not the most productive activity, so I'm wondering what do you guys do in your spare time? Is there something you're interested in and always wanted to start but never got around...
  3. wartortle

    Would/Do you work for someone you don't like? Vol. Is it all about the money?

    Summer's here and I'm ready to go back to my summer job. Mind you this is by far the best money I could be making right now at my age and situation. However, this is the most unprofessional boss I've ever worked for. He's disorganized with work scheduling, blatantly dodges phone calls, and an...
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