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  1. doofelos

    whats the longest youve gone without eating?

    sometimes if i have a big midnight snack i dont need to eat when i wake up for hours.. like today its 6pm and i have not ate a thing... and its not like im starving its like i dont feel like getting any food for myself. curious as to what the longest youve gone without eating is whether it be...
  2. doofelos

    NT, who is your favorite skateboarder of all time?

    yooo rick howard?! ever heard of lakai, chocolate, or girl? three real famous skateboarding companies.. and your boy started all of em talk to your boy and hook nt skaters up with some free flow!!
  3. doofelos

    what do you get for fast food?

    in n out is definitely the best in my area for fast food, hamburger fries and a water cup for 3 bucks!! but if i have to venture off to a lesser fast food join then im definitely looking for the value menu and ordering just the bare minimum to satisfy my hunger
  4. doofelos

    NT, who is your favorite skateboarder of all time? thank me later my friend
  5. doofelos

    NT, who is your favorite skateboarder of all time?

    his names nyjah huston nigel sounds real australian as for my favorite of all time id probably have to go with eric koston just cause he seems like a cool **% dude and he can rip it on a board
  6. doofelos

    NT, what is your longest relationship? Vol. with a woman

    18 2yrs+ still going but i feel our time may be up soon...
  7. doofelos

    Oso's Journey - My Dog's Battle With Cancer

    i feel for you man i was in a similar boat when my dog got real sick all of a sudden... we got home from a hike and she was having trouble walking so we brought her to the hospital and vet said it was cause she was tired or some bs like that. a week later my puppy starts throwing up and stuff so...
  8. doofelos

    Is Harder To Skate or Surf?

    sure u could hurt yourself by bailing into a reef but isnt that the same for skateboarding? if youre skating or surfing around sketchy spots youre bound to hurt yourself more.. and as for the speed im fairly certain that you can get going a lot faster on a skateboard which means falling...
  9. doofelos

    Texas Dept. of Justice has a record of the last words of every inmate they've ever executed

    the thing that irks me most about "believers" is that no matter how logical or sound anybody else's argument is, it still pales in comparison to their "unequivocal truth". MOST believers combat any argument with the "i know i'm right so nothing you say matters" nonsense which to me makes them...
  10. doofelos

    Divers exploring a unidentified object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

    dont hold me to this but it might have something to do with electric signals not really working too well so far under sea level..
  11. doofelos


    it all depends on the type of smoker you are.. if youre smoking all day every day then you gotta come up with an alternate method (clean piss) but if you rarely smoke then you have a higher chance of passing. one of my boys smoked the night before and passed a urine test but then again another...
  12. doofelos

    Official skateboarding thread vol. whats your shred sled lookin like?

    also, if any of you guys have time to spare, i would recommend watching this 4 part series on antwuan dixon...
  13. doofelos

    Official skateboarding thread vol. whats your shred sled lookin like?

      whats up nters... so back in the day when i used to be on nsbdotorg i remember there was a skateboarding thread where people posted their set-ups and trick tips, and also where anybody who had questions about skateboarding came and asked. I thought it would be fun to start a thread about it...
  14. doofelos

    Any nters who transferred from a community college to a 4-year institute?

    definitely helped, glad to see that others besides myself are or were in the same situation. thanks again for the help, good luck in your future fam
  15. doofelos

    Any nters who transferred from a community college to a 4-year institute?

    this is one of my biggest worries.. the cc i went to was on the semester system but i will be transferring to a quarter system university and from what i hear from my quarter semester friends, it is goin to be a huge adjustment
  16. doofelos

    3 Thugs beat up man in road rage fight caught on tape

    haha i agree with you he looks like he'd be the high school teacher that hooks everybody up with the test answers before the day of the test
  17. doofelos

    Any nters who transferred from a community college to a 4-year institute?

    Thanks for the reply and yeah i see where youre coming from in terms of studying and tuition and all that. My question is how much harder was the schoolwork compared to your local cc and was it easy to meet new people? I feel that since i would be entering as a junior, most people would already...
  18. doofelos

    Any nters who transferred from a community college to a 4-year institute?

    the majority of my two years spent at cc was spent on and a little bit of studying on the side. I barely met any new people but i wasnt worried about it since it is community college and most people there are the in and out types. This fall i am headed to a university and i was wondering if any...
  19. doofelos

    Who Thinks Affirmative Action is Fair?

    if you think that everyone starts at the same level but only some(blacks+latinos) being awarded due to their race/color, it isn't fair. however, if you take into consideration that due to the history of the us(segregation/discrimination) certain groups are not afforded the same opportunities...
  20. doofelos

    Post Your Twitters Vol #followfriday!/yungnatureman
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