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  1. ragz2ritchez83

    What are your thoughts on "camping"?

    I can sum this up in one word "never" smh
  2. ragz2ritchez83

    Remeber when...

    A lot of ppl feel that way but what can you do, the shoe game aint what it use to be............
  3. ragz2ritchez83

    when to stop buy Jordans

    I would stop buying J's when it doesn't feel the same anymore and I think everybody no matter where they are on the collector scale or just a plain fans of the shoes, you get to a point where you see the price you know you can afford it but something clicks in your mind and you say "let the...
  4. ragz2ritchez83

    Don't know how I got into this again....

    Feel you 100%, this is where Im at in the so called shoe game, every since I bought a house 3 years ago. Other priorities just drain the money, it's kind of funny seeing cats on youtube and other outlets sitting in a room with hundreds of shoes boxes around them preaching the gospel of Jordan...
  5. ragz2ritchez83

    Official Air Jordan IV white/cement release thread 2/18/12:::NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING:::

    I don't normally cop at malls and such places cuz its always one size 14 and always some big foot kid in front of the line smh anyway capital blvd had two 14's at DTLR good looking out! now on to work @ 2 for some OT to help this shoe addiction smh
  6. ragz2ritchez83

    Shoes you could have bought in store but now regret passing on?

    OG LE XI's blk/red i was so pissed I couldnt get the patents that when the lows dropped I passed on them and just waited for the XII's the next season smh I ended up really liking the lows
  7. ragz2ritchez83

    This is pathetic

  8. ragz2ritchez83


    I would put the soles that are on the le blk/red XI's on these, you know with the charcoal look not even see through really.......
  9. ragz2ritchez83


    Pretty nice if I may say so myself....
  10. ragz2ritchez83

    Can you call yourself a "collector" if..................

    For my first post on niketalk this went well lol Thanks to everybody that came with their point of view and angle on subject I have a feeling that my future post will be both well received and too complex for some. Well Im off to see D. Wade and Lebron smash up on my Wizards tonight......
  11. ragz2ritchez83

    Can you call yourself a "collector" if..................

    I can get down that .....
  12. ragz2ritchez83

    Can you call yourself a "collector" if..................

    It does answer my post in a couple of ways, and trust and believe I know that there are some youngins out there that do their homework and know the real. But the fact remains that most don't and its all turned into something that most of us cant recognize anymore
  13. ragz2ritchez83

    Can you call yourself a "collector" if..................

    Lol I think you're right...
  14. ragz2ritchez83

    Can you call yourself a "collector" if..................

    The last thing I will say is that I came with that question because I met a guy in ATL (a friend of my cousin) who is in his mid-50 I guess, and he had a collection that I have never seen the likes of, no it wasn’t 1000’s of pairs or even 500, he had the OG 1’s through the 15’s brand new in...
  15. ragz2ritchez83

    Can you call yourself a "collector" if..................

    I got to say that my initial question was jacked up and worded incorrectly I really just wanted someone to tell me why a person who never saw Jordan play to any significant degree and they don’t remember his career or the hay day of his popularity, why would a person go out and buy a crazy...
  16. ragz2ritchez83

    Can you call yourself a "collector" if..................

    WOW lol well pretty much that says it all right there, and yes I see that a couple people younger than myself don’t agree and we can agree to disagree but this quote "I started collecting based on aesthetics, not on its historical richness
  17. ragz2ritchez83

    "Bring 'Em Back!" Please JB please release these again!!

    I would love a see the XII Taxi's get their day in the sun alone, no package just a nice general release (first pair of Jay's I bought myself)
  18. ragz2ritchez83

    Can you call yourself a "collector" if..................

    I can appreciate the fact that someone wasn’t born at a certain time and place, I don’t want to get off subject, I'm fairly young myself like I said but I just feel like the meaning is lost, I’ve seen post of people asking when did Jordan wear those shoes???!! Are you kidding me, why are you...
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