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  1. flaming hot cheetos

    21 or 27 inch iMac?

    Anyone with either?  Wish they got the other instead?  Since I already have a Macbook (Core2duo one), and an iPad2 Im thinking about exchanging the MBP I got for Xmas for one of the iMacs.  All the specs seems within ballpark to me, so it comes down to screen size.  27 too big for a desktop? ...
  2. flaming hot cheetos

    SpinOFF: post some of the hotter breezies youve slept with

    End well this will not?? Anyways these two are up there (leftest and rightest) 'nother pic of them.  Id post more pics but you guys have seen them both before.  And I'd post others but I think people might actually know them would post here, and we know that aint good  Now let's get it
  3. flaming hot cheetos

    Two women find hidden cameras in their apartment **video on page 3**

    NT detectives get on it.  The pics have to be floating around, somewhere haha
  4. flaming hot cheetos

    Random pics from another trip to Hawaii **update 2/15/2012**

    From there, and go once or twice a year but I still enjoy each visit back. Random snippets:  Koko Head Hike top of the world ma Used to swim this lagoon when I was a keiki, glad to see it's still around Lol Yea, I like them too haha Went hunting for new/secluded beaches and...
  5. flaming hot cheetos Some of my faves: Repost?  Didnt see it on the front page
  6. flaming hot cheetos

    What % of your monthly income goes to your rent?

    And I guess Im talking net pay here.  And for good measure, what is your rent?  
  7. flaming hot cheetos

    Post your drinking games.

    We dont have many.  Just Flip Cup, Quarters and Kings Cup come to mind. Flip Cup Battle of the Sexes Untitled from Winston Fernandez on Vimeo.
  8. flaming hot cheetos

    Storage Wars

    Anyone watch this show?   It inspired us to go check out an auction this morning :rofl: Anyways it was a cool experience, and good to see how it goes etc for next time.  Our highest bid was $75 .... you feel the rush  :disturbed
  9. flaming hot cheetos

    who's gotta onesie?

    <----this guy does 
  10. flaming hot cheetos

    Yo Leo you stole my face

  11. flaming hot cheetos

    Blue Balls arent always a bad thing

    When theyre in our hands
  12. flaming hot cheetos

    pics from Vegas

    recent trip.  good times.  Went with 4 of my boys, and had a blasssssst.  Gooon status for sure.   Hardly any pics cuz well, we're dudes lol The scene at beach club @ encore bridesmaid I met, and easily the favorite chick I met that weekend  (we targeted bridal parties and it was MONEY) me...
  13. flaming hot cheetos

    Camp Awnawana, we hold you in our hearts...

    ....and when we think about you it makes me wanna fart Pics from a recent camping trip, dont tell the whole story but good times indeed.  We so hoord Flip cup, played by a buncha flips (and a couple white and mexican dudes ) Standard stuff about to shower using teamwork to sunblock...
  14. flaming hot cheetos

    What kind of media server you guys using?

    after a few months of usage Im loving XBMC.    Using it on my macbook, connected to my HDTV via HMDI. It plays every file type known to mang.  Does emulators, streams movies/tvshows, countless plug ins, programs, games etc.  There also are a billion diff skins.  Here's what Im using right meow:
  15. flaming hot cheetos

    Old memories FTW!

    One of my high school girlfriends found a crap load of stuff from our time together and snapped some pics.  This is all stuff before email/myspace/FB/ETC was the norm.  Straight up snail mail   That book cover Def put a smile on my face.   As a dude I sucked at keeping stuff through the years...
  16. flaming hot cheetos

    my friend found this on the way home from the clubs last nite

    looks like she got tossed from a 3rd story window She said there was no friends or anyone in sight.  Everyone kept walking past her and errthang  Friends dont let friends get THIS drunk, and leave them there
  17. flaming hot cheetos

    Anybody play on a softball team??

    Im currently part of a co-ed softball league that plays games on Monday nites in San Mateo.  This summer I'll have that Monday team, but will be forming one for Sunday and possibly Friday nites as well.  3 teams total?  Lol Anyways it's guys should look into it. Pics of my current...
  18. flaming hot cheetos

    Found a Motorola Drooooooid

    What should I do with it?  Unlock it?  Sell it? How would I go about returning it? It died shortly after it was found while I played with it a little
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