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  1. inspectorgadget13

    More music like this?

    just browse tammyszu's youtube channel.
  2. inspectorgadget13

    More music like this?

  3. inspectorgadget13


    Lots of hot girls. Beautiful campus. Friendly people. Since you're going to be a graduate student I think your experience will be different at UCSB.
  4. inspectorgadget13

    Has Any of you Nt'er's been to Ibiza, Spain?

    The african guys on the beach selling sunglasses sell more than just that haha. I stay in San Antoni which is on the north west side of the island. Lots of English people in this area but I heard the nice side of the island is in the south. I would love to go back to this place. Plan on seeing...
  5. inspectorgadget13

    Has Any of you Nt'er's been to Ibiza, Spain?

    The african guys on the beach selling sunglasses sell more than just that haha. I stay in San Antoni which is on the north west side of the island. Lots of English people in this area but I heard the nice side of the island is in the south. I would love to go back to this place. Plan on seeing...
  6. inspectorgadget13

    Going to flights, experiences, tips, etc.?

    Ryanair or vueling airlines for cheap flights. Watch out for pickpockets in the metro(especially when it's crowded)
  7. inspectorgadget13

    Going to flights, experiences, tips, etc.?

    Ryanair or vueling airlines for cheap flights. Watch out for pickpockets in the metro(especially when it's crowded)
  8. inspectorgadget13

    NT - Let me change your life with this app.

    damn didn't realize how bright my screen was at night.
  9. inspectorgadget13

    NT - Let me change your life with this app.

    damn didn't realize how bright my screen was at night.
  10. inspectorgadget13

    Why is suicide looked down upon?

    What if the person committing suicide wasnt doing it because of emotional problems but they were just curious about what happens after death?
  11. inspectorgadget13

    Why is suicide looked down upon?

    What if the person committing suicide wasnt doing it because of emotional problems but they were just curious about what happens after death?
  12. inspectorgadget13

    Who here has studied abroad? vol. Pimpin all over the world

    Service in Spain is very slow. I would be at a restaurant waiting for service and getting the bill would always take days. Oh yeah they have 2 siestas(naps) a day so shops wouldnt be open during certain hours. It's not like the US where shops/restaurants are open all the time. I experienced the...
  13. inspectorgadget13

    Who here has studied abroad? vol. Pimpin all over the world

    Service in Spain is very slow. I would be at a restaurant waiting for service and getting the bill would always take days. Oh yeah they have 2 siestas(naps) a day so shops wouldnt be open during certain hours. It's not like the US where shops/restaurants are open all the time. I experienced the...
  14. inspectorgadget13

    Who here has studied abroad? vol. Pimpin all over the world

    I was in Spain this summer it was the best time of my life. Study abroad/travel when the world cup is going on.
  15. inspectorgadget13

    Who here has studied abroad? vol. Pimpin all over the world

    I was in Spain this summer it was the best time of my life. Study abroad/travel when the world cup is going on.
  16. inspectorgadget13

    If the Euro drops any further, will the US Dollar be the GOAT currency?

    going to be in Spain for summer school next week.
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