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  1. sirjordancoppalot


    How do you post your desktop highlight righr click copy yes this may seem like a dumb question but nevermind k
  2. sirjordancoppalot

    What job are you hunting for?

    i have a job but i wish i was ceo of a major fortune 500 company
  3. sirjordancoppalot

    Zeitgeist The Movie. Discuss?

    The Federal reserve part was correct but certain parts of the religion could be considered disinfo. Do a little research on sun worhip,
  4. sirjordancoppalot

    If you could only have one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    My Freedom, My joy, My self respect o thats three things
  5. sirjordancoppalot

    For My Money-Makin Nters...

    id like to make the money pour out of the sky into my pockets
  6. sirjordancoppalot

    Anyone else go Home and Sleep for hours?

    It seems like i sleep to much. How many of you can sleep 15 hours and only wake up twice and im talking about just opening your eyes and then fall back tosleep
  7. sirjordancoppalot

    Kucinich: 35 articles of impeachment against Bush

    kucinich and Ron paul are the few with integrity. Truly the american people are so blinded that the actual impeachment of bush will be laughed at. Certainlyappreciate the light tho wawaweewa
  8. sirjordancoppalot

    Good Investments Vol. $5,ooo (Goal orientated need to read)

    cash equivalents like cds or foriegn. Try multi family homes like duplexes they go for the low, thats a good down payment
  9. sirjordancoppalot


    i dont have style anyway so when you see me with a du rag you expect me to have one on my head out of ignorance
  10. sirjordancoppalot

    Why is it that people pride themselves so much in knowing about something first?

    I often times dislay this emotion. When I know about a stock and its behavior i usually tell one or two persons, then they come back and say man you wereright. In this case its okay.
  11. sirjordancoppalot

    Mixed Couples appreciation post

    them mixed girls with them green eyes or hazel eyes mayne they
  12. sirjordancoppalot

    Who doesn't like some good old fashioned Phone Sex?

    ill be to embarassed with the police tapping your phones mayne they be on the other lines fapping like "Yea thats how you do it" "talk to herlike that you dirty boy" i mean if it was just me and her ill do it but the feds listening mayne their not having fun off me anymore
  13. sirjordancoppalot

    Murder suspect wears his feces to court vol. you full of +#%@

    whats up with all these do do post lately i see people are fascinated with fecal matter
  14. sirjordancoppalot

    Cocaine Cowboys II: Hustlin' with the Godmother

    do yall think they killed her when they deported her because she did have that girl killed its mad crazy tho im speaking of (the godmother of course)
  15. sirjordancoppalot

    Going to Prom SOBER Unnapreciation!

    you shouldnt drink at such a early age but have fun in whatever u do
  16. sirjordancoppalot

    It's a shame what skateboarding has become...

    I remember when i was young skateboarding i use to put my feet under the skateboard and flip it over i thought i was that dude until i saw this one guy slideon a rail. Kids in the hood trying to skateboard back in the day ftw
  17. sirjordancoppalot

    50 cent gets interviewed

    awww mannnnn what wheres banks and yayo
  18. sirjordancoppalot

    Word To Body Count, I Hate Oregon Cops (Vent Post)

    next time young man you might want to calm down and not try to prove a point cause next time you might meet mr billy club and his associate pepper (spray) andthen get locked up. when you could of cooperated and just been given a warning theres symptoms of profiling but could have been dealt with...
  19. sirjordancoppalot

    [realtalk] How do you guys approach myspace chicks? [/realtalk]

    *que the monday night football song* Comin at you live from the nt smash center this is reporter sir jordan coppalot reporting on a smashocity occassion of epic proportions we've seen it allfolks Wins and loses ups and downs zoom zoom in ya boom boom my lord its a battle out here in the words of...
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