Do you help the poor?

Originally Posted by April Lee

yes'm, I help myself

Sorry to say if you are on NT you aren't poor
I used to be free with the donations/contributions. Now with the recession underway and the economy as bad as it is I find myself thinking back to all themoney that flowed out of my pockets and into someone else's, no matter how deserving or pressing their need might've been.
hmm only time i help the poor is at school. every year our homeroom gets assigned a "angel". usually the "angel" is a kid in need. so wehelp
Originally Posted by seventh letter

Not really, I mean I'll give a bum some change every know and then

but other than that... nope


These cats act like you owe it to them to throw em some bills.
i do what i can when i can, but i must say it's not very often.

the last time i really helped the poor was this time last year when my basketball tema went to the MLK library in DC and had food/clothing drive for thehomless, which somehow turned into a dance compettion where my boy got served by 2 13 year olds and a homeless dude. funny stuff!
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