Are your standards too high?

Nov 23, 2008
Mine are but I don't see myself changing what I look for in a person. I had a discussion about this subject recently and the person said is it worth it ifyou're alone and I said maybe. I don't lower my standards in other aspects of life so why should I here? I lower one thing, I will for the rest. Do youthink your pride will hurt your chances of happiness if you don't swallow it?
sometimes pride can definitely get in the way of happiness, but when it comes to a relationship, i refuse to lower my standards or settle.

edit: swallowing pride is not about lowering standards, it about humility, which is a good thing imo. so im not sure if it applies when looking for asignificant other.
When it comes to looks it depends on the situation, but I can not comfortably talk to a female unless I am physically attracted to her. However, when it comesdown to personality I don't budge. I require a lot of female in order for her to be my girl. Which is probably why I don't like serious relationshipsbecause most girls that fit the personality build are but **! ugly
I'm not sure I believe in the having "too high" of a standard in who you's like why do you need to lower them just to be withsomeone?

If you know what you want you should stick with that until you find someone who fits your standards and vice versa
Nope, theyre not. But I found out that only going for "my type" of guys was severely limiting my choices and what not.
That depends on what your standards are. If they're all or mostly physical then, that may be an issue. And no you don't have to lower your standardsbut its more or less are they standards or superficialities?
I know my standards are too high.

Everybody used to tell me that.

But I've always just thought that there was no reason to settle for less than what I want.

This might make me shallow, but there's no way I could ever be with a girl just based off a good personality.
it depends on the standard really

some people(not me so I may not see it clearly) but some wanna find someone that makes so much or can hold their own money wise, looking for things such assomeone with a home, car paid for, no debt, and money already in the account just to blow. Something like that you could relax on, don't get with somebodythat's just gonna leave you with debt, but just because they don't have a car right now or they have some loans(ex. that car they got to drive youaround), that can be relaxed.

others may have standards they don't wanna deviate from such as talking to people their height or shorter, but damn that's cutting some people put hadno control over the factor, it aint they fault they came from the amazon, you can relax that standard a little.

and others still may have something against taking a bath/shower everyday and don't care if they walking around leaving a trail of bodies behind thembecause they %#! stink. There's a certain cleanliness standard I have and that will not be compromised at all.

there can be a lot of gray areas, some darker/lighter than others that you may not relax on as quickly(someone with a little financial blemish vs. somebodysignificantly taller) but a lot of them can be relaxed to an extent.

now let me get back on track:
If I don't find somebody I'm happy with I won't settle for less, I'm not happy. If there's just some technicality(she's part seminoleand not part cherokee like you thought...) something like that you're "hurting your chances of happiness".

My standards aren't high(who honestly thinks/wants to think they have high standards though? the only ones that do probably are the ones people lower theirstandards for themselves personality wise) but most are negotiable(things like cleanliness is firm though)
I don't know if I have too high of standards or not. Like I really don't have too much trouble finding girls that I think look good but it takes awhile for me to open up enough to be in a relationship. I usually get bored or annoyed with a girl before I last long enough to start a relationship. Ill neverlower my standards though. No sense in settling. I think if I settled id be less happy with that situation than if I was alone and still looking for the one.
Girlfriend? Definition... I'm about the jumpoffs as long as my age ends with a teen. I'm 18 and if she got a hole with no STD'S then she'sgetting the bizness. Every girl looks the same when the lights are off you feel me
Yes but I know she's out there somewhere and it's just a matter of time until I find her.
When it comes to looks? They're not astronomical.
When it comes to character? They're higher than most.

I'm a simple guy, and I'd never place expectations on a woman that I couldn't live up to myself. It'sjust that I would rather not deal with all the riff-raff if I know that I deserve better. Why settle for less?
Originally Posted by yep617

sometimes pride can definitely get in the way of happiness, but when it comes to a relationship, i refuse to lower my standards or settle.
pretty much...
you really can't say they're too high if you set them there. I can't do it though. I'd rather not smash then hit something just to be hitting.I see a lot of dudes that smash a lot but the quality isn't there with all of them.

in the end, you have to find someone that makes you want them. so just stick to what you know cause following someone else pattern is trouble
This is my friends excuse for why he hasn't ever had a girlfriend. It really is just an excuse though. In reality, he's just scared anddoesn't know how to approach the whole idea though.
i know exactly what i bring to the table.

i find myself getting bored with chicks because they dont match my standards or i just dont find them intriguing enough.

i have a short attention span as well
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