Who Would You Pick For A Biopic?

b smooth 202

Dec 21, 2004
If you could see any person in history have a movie made about them, who would it be?

My pick:

Originally Posted by blacktopking319

Bill Gates
Go rent Pirates of Silicon Valley

I'm really surprised that there hasn't been a Mark Twain biopic but really that's just cause I want to see Emperor Joshua Norton on film.
I was just thinking yesterday how awesome it would be if they made a movie about Hendrix...
Theodore Roosevelt. Scorcece and DiCaprio were supposed to be working on it already, it got held back for some reason
I would like to see another Bonnie & Clyde be made.

I've seen the one with Warren Beatty before, but i just wish they'd make another
-Ben Carson. i know Cuba played him in a Made-for-TV version, but that ++%* looks like garbage.

-Bill Gates
Joe Dimaggio... good pick.
Bonnie and Clyde too.

Some more would be:

John Lennon
John Gotti
Red Aurbach
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