Anyone else feel like they never get enough sleep? Vol. I need advice from all you good sleepers

Feb 28, 2007
My sleep routine is basically sleeping like 5-6 hours on weeknights, falling asleep watching TV sometime during that day, and staying up late again: repeat. Ofcourse, I always wake up irritable and lazy due to lack of sleep.

Then I "make it up" on the weekends. On Friday and Saturday nights I go to bed at like 4AM, regardless of whether I went out or not, and sleep forlike 9-10+ hours into the mid/late afternoon. And I always wake up with a headache, and feeling like I wasted my day.

I know I should go to bed on time, but even when I do, I'm just laying there with my eyes closed and I only actually sleep deeply (REM) for like 2-3 hours.I can honestly say I haven't had a GOOD night's sleep in two years, and that was when I was on vacation at a resort.

I want to be able to fall asleep as soon as I hit the sack, and sleep for a good 7-8 hours straight and wake up feeling refreshed.

Does anyone else seem to have this problem? Did anyone else have this problem before, and overcame it?
Its bad to watch tv or do anything while trying to sleep. Develops sleeping disorders. Just use the bed for sleeping.
I also only sleep 5-7 hours a night...idk ive never slept consistently for 8 hours or more.

I dont get tired in the day.
try staying awake... you'll end up sleeping
I hate sleeping, cause when I sleep I don't want to wake up. So I stay awake as long as possible, my average is 4-5 hours of sleep.
yeah if I don't get at LEAST 8 hours of sleep, I'm a zombie... but for those nights where I need a good nights rest I take comtrast and I'm likesnorlax...
watch what you eat or drink in the few hours before sleep. I used to have a little bit of coke with ice cream every night, switched to sprite (caffeine free)and have fell asleep a lot easier. if you drink coffee or other stimulants during the day at all you should cut them out so by the end of the day you can getto sleep, then the next day you are rested.

like others said its a cycle based on habits, little adjustments make the difference. stress might do it too, if you go to bed with a lot on your mind youwon't sleep right away meditate or something.
Like it's been said, working out helps. You might want to exercise at night, shower, then get it bed. Also, try some light reading instead of TV to put youout.
Originally Posted by kidjustice19

yeah if I don't get at LEAST 8 hours of sleep, I'm a zombie... but for those nights where I need a good nights rest I take comtrast and I'm like snorlax...
is comtrast a sleeping medicine? i googled it and couldn't find anything.

i know sleeping pills have a bad reputation, but i'm thinking about getting some weaker-strength ones to take a few times, just to get my body back inrhythm.
Its best to contact your local chapter of the Justice League, they can supply you with the 7 leafed badge of justice.
maybe this is just off the top of my head, but it all starts with your bed, u gotta have a bed that you're comfortable sleeping in and maybe even onethat'll help u go to sleep
Take a high energy multivitamin in the AM
Eat a good high protein breakfast, non fried/greasy food
Eat a non greasy lunch....have a snack before and after, preferably some sort of nut
After work/classes do something aerobic - work out, play ball, have sex...whatever
Eat a good dinner....
Pop some Melatonin/rub one out before sleep and you'll be good ...

Make sure you force urself into bed at least 8.5 hrs before you need to wake up
I'm guessing vitamins would be a good answer. Also just try to make sure you get a decent amount of sleep, not too much either though.
i haven't had "enough" sleep in months... between school, basketball,
and spending too much time on NT i never get enough...
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