How do you study????????

Jan 17, 2009
Right now i absolutely hate school. I have always been the type of student who never really had to study and still ended up with
an A or B+. Now I am in my third year of university a bio major who is up all night studying hard just to get C's. I feel the reason
why is because I never had to study before so i never learned a good way to study. So NT help me out and give me ideas of
diff ways you study/retain info
I do most of my studying at the library or some place other than the house. i know i won't even open a book when im home let alone study for anexam
uninstall / turn off all distractions. don't study at a noisy cafe etc - study somewhere quiet and comfortable. read your material in detail and analyzewhatever you read critically while you read. don't take words at face value, question the reasoning behind everything etc.
Study a little each day. Helps you retain info in the long run too.
Take breaks in between study sessions.
try to stay off niketalk, and if you can do some studying at school. i have a 1 hr 30 min break in between my classes in the morning, so i kinda like chillinand grabbing and coffee and getting some hw done. it's surprisingly pretty productive. and if you absolutely MUST finish something, definitely do it at thelibrary. i try hard to get started on hw and studying early and spread it out, but when i don't, i always head over to the library because you justconcentrate better.

also it's good to get to know people in your classes. the people i know are all really smart and work hard, and are always ahead of me in terms of doing hwand usually ace almost all their tests. i'm competitive so it makes me wanna try harder, and also it's good to get help w/ hw.
Originally Posted by USA Pride4Life

I do most of my studying at the library or some place other than the house. i know i won't even open a book when im home let alone study for an exam

Putting yourself in a different place is very helpful because when you are home you have so many distractions.
I study at a coffee house with my iPod on. Been doing this for years and have worked extremely well. I can not study at home because I will either watch T.V.or go online. I force myself to study at least an hour each day as well. Even if there's nothing new, I go over old problems or re read the notes. What Idon't understand, I write down on a stick 'em and go to office hour to get help.
^yea office hours are money, especially if your TAs are good. for two of my classes, the TA basically goes over our homework for us in the office hours andsolves out the problems for us (all we have to do is figure out the algebra involved, which in engineering problems is the "easy stuff")
Yeah I'ma hit the library all week next week.. gotta stop bs'ing and start being productive. We should create an NT TEAM STUDY or something. I knowthere's Team NERD but you don't have to be a nerd to study.
Originally Posted by acidicality

^yea office hours are money, especially if your TAs are good. for two of my classes, the TA basically goes over our homework for us in the office hours and solves out the problems for us (all we have to do is figure out the algebra involved, which in engineering problems is the "easy stuff")
My friends hate me because I practically chill inside the hallway where the offices are at. (These are classes in my major). If it's notsomething from class directly, I'll chat with them about cars and sports, or how they got into their career choices. It beats going on Myspace to kill the2 hour gap between classes.
TV on Fresh Prince (usually plays all night/morning) on MUTE.
iPod on shuffle until I get closer to test, then Steve Jablonsky - Transformers Movie - BG soundtrack.
Make Cappucino/coffee and refill as needed throughout the night.
Break every once and a while and check e-mail/facebook/NT and stretch.
Sometimes I sing/dance on my break (I can't do either ot save my life), but since I drink hella coffee, I get my hyper moments
and I'll attempt some stupid songs/dances.
Exam in 6 hours. I'm about half way done studying almost, so hopefully I can get the last half in the next 6 hours
if you are mildly gifted, you don't have to study at all. just go to class and listen.

I always study with a inspirational movie on, in the library in a quiet/closed environment, with huge studio headphones on.
I rarely study, but when I do, I usually go to a Starbucks ir something. I absolutely can't study in absolute silence or solitude.
coffee + relaxing music w/ no words and GET BUSY

read through everything and think of stuff that might be on the test and just keep testing yourself
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