After watching this, why wear Ralph Lauren?

This song go so ham in the club...

ya'll _s crazy tho, I been rockin RL since 86', before I even got my first pair of British Knights. Like Dre said, _s BEEN wearin Polo down south..that's why I cant stand you up north always in the house type _s.. swear ya'll was first wit somn when you dont even go outside enough to know.. mydudes from up north dont act the way ya'll do on here that's how I know ya'll dont know half of what ya'll talkin bout.
word of mouth text FTL
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

That's why I cant stand you up north always in the house type _s.. swear ya'll was first wit somn when you dont even go outside enough to know.
QFT, but that goes for hood dudes anywhere
thats why I said... hip hop fans have always been dumb, but at least in its Golden age they weren't being exploited
One thing for sure you can DEF tell the difference between how an up north dude and a down south cat rock their polo.
And here in the A is the only place where i've ever seen polo boots, cardo jr, cartune, and riverdale you know what i'm talking about
those joints with the zippers on em
The Polo in the "Project Mayhem" is the only Lo I recognize. All those other horse threads cats be rocking these days are lame and just a fad. Oh,and no video should stop u from rocking Lo' if u really mess with it.
Originally Posted by KIXrUS16

The Polo in the "Project Mayhem" is the only Lo I recognize. All those other horse threads cats be rocking these days are lame and just a fad. Oh, and no video should stop u from rocking Lo' if u really mess with it.

Originally Posted by NO ESCAPIN THIS

Yeah yeah , everyone was wearing polo ... we know .

My feelings exactly
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