Just saw Superbad again, I can pretty much now say its the funniest movie I have ever seen.

the hell?....this movie was funny
If you dont find this movie funny there is seriously something wrong with you

I've seen this movie a good 50 times and has yet to get old...even when not

G.O.AT. comedy right there. You can watch this movie 20+ times and notice something new, still laugh at everything else you've noticed already.
stupid funny.

one of those movies where you laugh uncontrollably constantly. it just gets funnier every time you watchit...
Originally Posted by jrp44

"Spread your %%%!! Get on the ground! Loaded gun! Ready to go! Spread your %%%!! ******* on the pavement fellas."
"Spread your +%%@!", the way he says it

"How old you are McLovin?" - Officer Michaels
"Old enough." - Fogell
"Old enough to what?" - Officer Michaels
"...To party." - Fogell

"I'm so wet right now." - Becca
"Yeah..they said that would happen in health class." - Evan
(+%%@, the entire bedroom scene with Evan and Becca is hilarious).

Such a funny +@*#!$% movie, never gets old to me.
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