Artists similiar to Cool Kids?

Mar 10, 2007
I FINALLY picked up "The Bake Sale" and it is soo sick and i was wondering if you guys could recommend me some artists with similar styles as them?

and please do not recommend "New Kidz in the Hall"
U-N-I and Pac Div
nawwww see U-N-I and Pac-Div are waaaaay better overall rappers than TCK..but they dress the same.

FLY UNION is similar but they are actually pretty damn concious..they dont curse at all in they songs..they jus dress the part and have boom bap production
Originally Posted by acekilla408

I FINALLY picked up "The Bake Sale" and it is soo sick and i was wondering if you guys could recommend me some artists with similar styles as them?


Originally Posted by haiti5

nawwww see U-N-I and Pac-Div are waaaaay better overall rappers than TCK


BUT, since you asked, I definitely suggest you invest some ear time in Pac Div.

U-N-I FTW. Best quality music out. Great live show. Substance, flow, everything....way better than the cool kids
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