WHY DOESN'T KOBE HAVE A BOX????????????????

Feb 22, 2007
Can somebody in the know tell me why Kobe Bryant doesn't have his own designed shoe box for his signature shoes?

The box doesnt have to be embossed or lasered like Lebron's. I could just be a shoebox with his trademark logo.

This is his fourth year having a signature shoe,he should have a signature shoebox by now.
Good Question
If Bron has a nice box, Kobe should have a better one
I rather he not have a special box. Every time he does, its some super limited crap and a huge price tag.
USA ZK1's (Australia Release)
ZK3 MVP (Lucite Box)
yea ive always wondered this...maybe next year the box will have a big sheath on it or something
UWR HDs came in a special box and the shoes were inside a bag with a sheath logo on it.
Exactly mike had his own box at da time n noone else just like now lebron does n kobe doesn't n penny when played kobe gave him da bussiness ya dig
Really sucks, I would love to see Kobe with his own box its long over due, it woud be nice to look at our sneaker collection and spot the Kobes with his ownbox.
its not really a problem.its not like you're gonna wear the box or something.let the box & the shoe serve its purpose.
yo maxtempo96, you're avatar is dope!!! i know it's just the midsole and air bags of the am uptempos, but that's just real cool
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