Exploded Toe:Warning

Oct 1, 2008

I was hoopin at the school and i got one of those bubbles you get from putting a lot of pressure on your foot.its like one of those blisters people get ontheir thumbs when they play too much video games but this one was on my toe.anyways i had that bubble already before i went to hoop today and while i wasplaying i heard a pop,i was oh crap that bubble popped.i kept playing for 3more hours and got home to find out my toe exploded ,it looks like TWO layers ofskin came off,its burning real bad.
How can i prevent my toe from getting these bubbles without having to stop hooping?
you gotta get better socks and make sure your ball sneaks fit correctly (not too big or too small)
I always wear socks that fit pretty good and my shoes are the right size.maybe i should make a Gellin cast for that one toe or something
how bout goin to the doctor and stop askin random people on the internet... what kinda person hears a pop on there foot an keeps goin for 3 hrs w.o checkinit???
, I had that once and thought it was the coolest thing. It didn't hurt, and it's like you're shredding like a snake.

Just stop with the extra physical activity until it heals up.
happened to me but not as bad. get better socks that don't suck up sweat as much. i usually just put some powder on my socks and i'm good.
You might need to get that amputated. If bacteria gets in you might as well kiss your whole foot goodbye because you can't walk without your big toe.
yea i wear socks.i used to wear thin socks but i got that bubble on my big toe so i switched to using thick socks and it still didnt help.its weird because itonly happens on my right big toe.maybe i need some better basketball shoes.ive been using some cdp17s,reebok pumps,and some air forces.
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