FIGHTING Movie appreciation

cung le's signature scissor kick takedown
oh and if anyone wants to watch a good fighting movie - UNDISPUTED 2 w/ Michael Jai White.
Let's be honest

this movie is making it even cooler for kids to be goons and fighting and killing everyone

that's the last thing ya need
LOL I remember I was with my girl when I saw the trailer to this movie. The first thing that popped in to my head was: "From the producers and writers ofStep it up and Step it up 2: the streets, comes Fighting." I refuse to see this movie.
this dude needs to stick to dancing.....a fighter in a movie??I just cant see it
Originally Posted by j671

this dude needs to stick to dancing.....a fighter in a movie??I just cant see it

Money is Money even though it wasnt that good it still puts some money in his pocket
Originally Posted by YUNGRICH 702

it was o.k.....i though it was gonna be like lionheart but it wasent

this was crack

This was the first movie that popped in my head when I saw the previews

JCVD had a good run back in the late 80's early 90's
i loved never back down. this movie sucked. it looked very cheaply made also. i would not recommend at all
Based off the preview, FIGHTING reminds me of Never Back Down in the sense of the fighting, but it looks like FIGHTING has more betting going on (TerranceHoward character).

I could be wrong, but that's my impression based off the preview.
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