People losing their culture when they return from college?

Jul 20, 2007
Discuss. Has anyone expierenced this with a friend or someone of that nature. They go to school normal but come back different, gassed up.
my boys don't kick it with me anymore for real. kinda hurt at first, but i'm not one for kissing#%@* so i moved on. been boys since day 1 and now itswhateva.
its normal for people to change at college...gotta accept it. your true friends will still be your friends regardless
its not necessarily a bad thing.

people grow up, move on.

the past was great, good times, but leave it at that.
yea it happens all the time

i think ur true colors come out when u come from college
Yeah most of my dudes either joined a frat or are just doing their own thing. I got new friends though so its whatever
its great tho when you can come home or your friends come home and its like yall never left...

Just finished up playing some basketball with my friends and it was just like old times. Makes me miss home.
Gotta go with MyT..I've never come back/had friends come back changed. Its always that "home" feeling when I'm with the poeople I'mreally close to..
For me, its almost as if I've outgrown my friends. It sounds wierd, but all we do is chill at the crib, play video games (although I never really get intothem), and go to the same spot to play pool. I guess being at school has opened me to new experiences, so these things seem dull. I must admit though, I wasalready tired of just chilling at the crib all the time.

I don't know, I guess I'm going to have to find another clique and chill with both.
Yea I get tired of smoking every night, chillin in the crib and hearing people talk about all the stuff then want to do but which they never will do. I wantsome new experiences. But I can't imagine abandoning them. But it might have to be done.
i dont know about the rest, but i still talk to my dudes from high school and basically i am always exited to come back home.

Nothing like it. They are some that changed though, like one of my dude- he is trying to become a "preacher" i don't know where he got the ideafrom and what not but if that is what he wants to do- i gotta respect it-- the only bad part is that he won't hit the clubs and other parties with us.
I'm still in college but it's weird how friends just split-up, I knew a lot of shoeheads too but we still don't kick-it. Some of my cousins treatme kind of different to, some people grow too fast and some people never grow, I had to make my decision.
I outgrew most if not all my friends from high school. Most of them aren't doing anything with their lives and when I come home I just try not to getcaught up in any of their nonsense. I only talk to a handful of people that I knew prior to leaving for school.
I have definitely changed since I left for college 2 years ago. I think it is just growing up and living on your own. You make your own decisions and your truepersonality comes out
Originally Posted by jrellcuse10

I outgrew most if not all my friends from high school. Most of them aren't doing anything with their lives and when I come home I just try not to get caught up in any of their nonsense. I only talk to a handful of people that I knew prior to leaving for school.

I feel the same way as you do. I only keep in touch with several people from high school. Every now and then I would fine a good high school friend'smyspace and would be so happy. And when we kick gets really boring after about 15 minutes because I still see that more than 4 years after high schoolended, they're still into partying everyday, working at dead end jobs with no care. They gas me on why I study so much, and not down to party with them. We obviously have different goals in lives so we don't keep in touch.
yeah i got a boy who did that.
we're from DC, and he comes back with that NY swagger...

...hella akward. lol
I'm still a senoir in high school. My boy is in college, when we chill at home he is still the same, but at college he's life of the party and alwaysgotta be doing something. We still cool though and probably always will be, but some ppl that I'm friends with now in high school I won't be friendswith at college only cause they will still be doing the same @##% and I'll have moved on.
Not to be rude, but I could make an equally reasonable post entitled, "highschool friends never growing up, stuck in their mold"....I think the riftis just due to different experiences though. After you go to college, when you come back your mind isn't gonna be in the same state, and you are not gonnabe the same person, and a lot of times your old friends are still on the same tip, and you're not really feeling it. Nobody's wrong, but more oftenthan not its the old friends who somehow feel as if the returnee is acting all uppity, when its just a different way of seeing things.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

For me, its almost as if I've outgrown my friends. It sounds wierd, but all we do is chill at the crib, play video games (although I never really get into them), and go to the same spot to play pool. I guess being at school has opened me to new experiences, so these things seem dull. I must admit though, I was already tired of just chilling at the crib all the time.

I don't know, I guess I'm going to have to find another clique and chill with both.

Its almost like your in my crew, word for word this is how I feel and how it is with my ppl. I co-sign this to the fullest.
^ yep. to me it's more about others remaining stagnant, school just opens one up to things, but it's not the only way
but your supposed have love for those you knew since you were a little kid. some people change and you dont even know who they are any more.
try to kick it with the same ppl. visit them if they live in the same state or nearby. online etc etc. y'know, always try and keep in touch and act nuthinever happened and its all good.
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