News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

after watching TASM 2 And the deleted scenes....


i didnt listen to the commentary during the D.S tho so they probably gave a dumb reason smh

just seen Expendables. loved it. didnt see what the negativity was for.

one of the new guys looked like Chris Evans lol

that fighter chick was sexy

Mel Gibson was great in this. prob cuz hes a real life villain
It's okay.

I'll say it first, knockoff of Akira.

:lol: I just meant I'll say it first to get it out of the way. Ppl been saying it's a watered down knockoff of Akira since it came out. It's basically the Hollywood version that isn't 100% true to the source material.
Oh wow, more robot movie propaganda. Hopefully by the end of that all of those alleged self aware robots are toasters.
Didnt know he was still droppin it as a movie. After all that attention seeking. Acting like more than 40k people who read the script of the millions and millions who will watch ruin the movie. Tho I get his point his point was ruined by all the drama
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