News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

I need Pacino to be hammerhead in a spiderman film. That's the only thing I can think of him doing and even then he's getting kinda old
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A younger Pacino would be perfect as Dr. Strange.

Let him do voice work like Bridges is doing.
I need Pacino to be hammerhead in a spiderman film. That's the only thing I can think of him doing and even then he's getting kinda old
That'd be terrible :x

Make Pacino damn near anybody else :lol:
I need Pacino to be hammerhead in a spiderman film. That's the only thing I can think of him doing and even then he's getting kinda old

Much better, especially since he's aging. Just don't make him a dumb robot or w/e. Go with that eternal youth storyline.

I'd also rather see him as Count Nefaria.
Jessica Chastain Wants To Be A Superhero

Another great ambition is less rarefied. “I would love to do a superhero movie!” she cries. “I would have loved to have played Black Widow.” Opportunity has presumably not been the issue; she dropped out of Iron Man 3, after all. “A couple of times I’ve gotten really close. The problem is, if I do a superhero movie, I don’t want to be the girlfriend. I don’t want to be the daughter. I want to wear a ******* cool costume with a scar on my face, with fight scenes. That’s what I’d love.


:pimp: :evil:

Don't know who I'd like her to be though. At 37, I'd rather her be a villain. She aint a Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Wasp, etc. Maybe, Elsa Bloodstone, Clea (but she's really just Strange's gf), Venus, Sersi after a dye job, could fit Tigra but I wouldn't like it. Crystal of the Inhumans perhaps would be the best fit.
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I love Jessica Chastain, as the movie thread can attest to, so I'd welcome her as a superhero without a doubt.
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