2016 MLB thread. THE CUBS HAVE BROKEN THE CURSE! Chicago Cubs are your 2016 World Series champions

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I thought about going to law school my freshman year. Quickly kibosh'd the idea when I realized how little work I wanted to do :lol:
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I'm sure it will :lol: hopefully things work out well for all of us. I'd love to be able to make a living as a sports writer. Just gotta be patient with the process I guess.
I was talking to Jew.

But Celtics I got the guest house for u bro. Just need to get new sheets cuz I ruined those years back :x
I'm sure it will :lol: hopefully things work out well for all of us. I'd love to be able to make a living as a sports writer. Just gotta be patient with the process I guess.

It's a drag. When I left LN I was making 70+ BUT I was only writing draft stuff and doing all the analytics, editing, posting, campaigns etc etc
Yeah that seems like the route I may need to go eventually.

Write a book.

I was over at my brother's house earlier and his wife had a book full of pictures of a golden retriever randomly doing stuff.

It was appalling to me that someone made money off that :lol:
I'm happy for A-Rod in the early going so far. He's looking good, and even though he did the crime, I'm happy he's trying to move past the crime
I'm happy for A-Rod in the early going so far. He's looking good, and even though he did the crime, I'm happy he's trying to move past the crime

I don't even care he used steroids... It's the constant lying and blame passing... That's why I hate A-Rod... He's a *****...
You're right. He played pass the buck too many times. And yes he did lie,but who hasn't lied at least once or twice to "cya?" Punk method indeed, but I'm looking past the flaws and thinking about what he's doing on field. I don't support, nor condone cheating, but I'm like this, let's as a people, just leave it alone. It's clear his, records, stats, and legacy are all tarnished. He has to live with his own shame
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