Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

trailer for big wedding - Cast - Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, Susan Sarandon, Robin Williams, Katherine Heigl, Amanda Seyfried and Topher Grace

Rom Comedy about a family and a wedding - probably going to be mediocre, figure I'd share if anyone was interested.

Trailer - http://wp.me/p2CCWq-1kZ
TV Shows:

Better Off Ted.
How to Make it in America.
Big Bang Theory.
How I Met Your Mother
The League.
Breaking Bad.

MrO, your new thoughts? Go on, ya know ya wanna.
I really don't, that TDKR thread is a monster.

Most of what I said the first time stands, it's just...the film's issues are much, much easier to deal with when you already know they're coming.

I already knew that Matthew Modine wasn't gonna be gracefully inserted into the film...and wasn't ever ever going go away...and was a walking plot device...
That Oldman's letter was gonna annoy me
That the dialogue was gonna be pretty uneven.
That Joseph Gordon-Levitt was gonna soak up half of the time I thought I'd be seeing Christian Bale
That Marion Cotillard wasn't going to be handled well
That Michael Caine was gonna just disappear
That sometimes Bane's expressions/motions and voice wouldn't sync, since they went back and dubbed him over after everyone said they didn't understand him...so sometimes all you could do was laugh at how stupid it looked/sounded, esp. in that scene outside of Arkham
That the Pit...all of it
That every cop in the city
That 5 ******g months
That he could walk right into town
That the stupidity, patience and lack of reaction or logic by the gov't, people of Gotham, Bane and Miranda
That the League of Shadows is suicidal?
That a wall of dusty cops would run at an army with tanks and AKs
That Bane would end up like that

Yes...after all of that...I enjoyed it much more. :lol:
IMAX bass :x felt every punch
Season 4> season 3 of the wire. It's heartbreaking.

Season 3 has the most action. Bet after season 2 drove people nuts they realized they had to come back hardcore
the pit should have been epic but it fell flat for the most part.

i only saw the film once so i wanna give it a second viewing before really delving into things, but the more i think about it, the more i would have liked to have some scenes done, or tweaked. it really isn't too much of an issue, though, the damn thing was almost three hours long and paced well, but if they added another 30 minutes (totally understand why they didn't) the story would have tied together a little better. you could have shown bruce and batman's agony more thoroughly, Bane taking over and running the city, Miranda's transformation, the fact that Gotham is shunned by the country (Nolan should have played to reality a bit more and showed a legit reason why there weren't any troops or planes getting at Bane), etc.

the five months thing seems to bother some, but I enjoyed the idea. it wasn't just about making bruce suffer in the pit and force him to climb out of darkness, but the people having the gaul and balls to come together and revolt, overthrowing all those that kept them down (economically, mentally, etc.), and showing how weak and pathetic they were because of the content lifestyles they put together.
Your concerns are noted O, but damn, with that cast, you KNOW guys gotta get time, and lose time. Ala Caine, Bale, etc. This the 3rd story, we know what we need of Bruce already, why do you need an extra 7 scenes of Bale for? Blake was a new character, playing an important role, the symbol from the beginning, someone that took the legend of Batman to heart, just as Ras Ghul suggested. That's important. More Bale isn't all that much.

More Alfred? After the work he did in that film, you needed MORE from him?

Marion, I can see your point, she was used a little strange, I'll give you that.

But you gotta stop with the 5 months, and walk back to town, etc. Next you're going to list that not one character went to the bathroom in the whole movie, or that nobody was seen changing clothes, come on.
Lindelof not coming back for Prometheus 2?  

Man, I don't want to have to drive an hour to see it, but I've gotta find time for Killer Joe. 
Yea...30 more minutes would've helped. Coulda had a scene of Bruce asking Alfred for help getting back into the city and Al pleading with him to give up on Gotham. That's 2 birds with 1 stone. I wanted more than just "surprise, lemme tell you bout paradise and Bane's whole backstory...deuces for an hour or 5 months or so...tears." :lol: It just felt like...oh yeah, I forgot you never died, when he popped up again.

And with JGL, it was just getting over my preconceived notions about what the film was gonna be and how much time they'd invest in basically an entire cast of new faces and characters, this late in the game at the cost of more time for Bruce, building up Bane or explaining _______. You wanted your big 25th hour plot twist, fine. I get it. But you're willing to paralyze the 2 most important characters' arcs and motivations until the very end of the film, where you completely emasculate one just to be disposed of and finally make one compelling just to paint the film with fail at every turn to the bitter end.

Act like you expected Matthew Modine in every other scene or JGL to keep giving him reasons to be in every other scene. They didn't fit JGL into the film that well imo. In TDK, there was air to breathe. They had new cop faces and characters floating in and out of the movie effortlessly. This is the end of a trilogy. In TDKR, they threw so many strange twists and changes to Gotham, Gordon and Bruce...then introduce Bane and Selina with mysterious motivations...It didn't feel like there was enough air for the little, seemingly unimportant, cop work and side missions JGL was doing. Esp. all the time they were giving to them and him...they just stuck out and didn't really flow into the story outside of...either it's obvious what you're doing, or you better have something clever up your sleeve. And as good as his explanation was, the kinda cheap way he knew _________, had me like >D. I get it, but they couldn't use that accountant or something? At least it's better than how Gordon... :smh:

And the 5 months thing...I get it and even like the idea, but it's a lot better in concept than what was realized. I'm fine with how they turned Gotham into No Man's Land, the poor rising up against the wealthy and the gangs and mercenaries running the city, but a 3 minute montage for a city of millions over months wasn't enough. And every part of how that relates to Bane and _______'s plan is ******ed. On it's own, if this was the big testament to some type of social injustice they showed us explicitly, sure...but without a real city's story getting shown from the ground up...without real reactions from the gov't or even the cops/people/gangs that didn't get trapped, then what was this? He didn't even say this was gonna stop the bomb, he told them the bomb was just his way of keeping the gov't from stepping in and stopping the people from getting theirs.

Without any of that, all of this was just to give Bruce something to watch on TV? He's just the Joker 2.0? Cuz the Joker did the same thing with the boats and bombs, and when no one flipped the switch, he was gonna. But he didn't talk up false hope and Gotham as a metaphor for the Pit. He didn't wait half a year for something that would've been good and done with in weeks. And for what? So when Bruce turned off the TV, that's it, game over?

And the bomb...exactly 5 months and change? Because you might as well leave it up to nature as to when this big experiment is finished? Exactly when the Pit stuff is done with? And waiting on something to kinda randomly happen, when you've got a switch you can hit when you're ready? Why would you have that? Why would you wait until the last minute to push it? Why would you sit there and wait for it to happen right in your face? Why would you drive it around town, when no one knows how to turn it off? And that something happened has a countdown to the second, to what sounds like a random unstable event that's more likely to happen later than sooner? So unstable and ready to go off any second that you could crash it and drag it across the asphalt of downtown Gotham? Besides, how could it be almost every cop and 5 months, when I see dudes crawling out of manholes, like Batman just put em there?

damn...didn't mean to write that much[emoji]8482[/emoji] :lol:

...long story short..er...the movie was epic, IMAX made a really great experience...the sound and music and cinematography were so on point, and it really is a lot of good ideas, good acting and strong characters. The screenplay had a lot of problems, but it goes down easier the 2nd time and I can't recommend IMAX enough. And it's not like it was bad like Prometheus' screenplay...just a lot of sacrifice for themes instead of the story and character arcs, and not enough attention to how things got from A to Z rather than any problems I had with Z.
Check this out from RFX in the General thread. It's pretty funny.

Your Sarcastic Guide To Alleged Plot Holes In ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

One of my biggest pet peeves in movies is dealing with crappy audiences, people who are either too lazy or stupid to figure out stuff that any intelligent person paying attention can figure out.

Even worse are the retroactive whiners, the people who desperately want to tear a movie down because everybody likes it and we all know that what everyone likes can’t be of any real quality.

So, here’s your guide to supposed plot holes from both camps, and why they’re largely a load of crap.

How Did X Know Bruce Wayne Was Batman?

This comes in two flavors: How did Bane know everything about Batman? And how did John Blake figure out Bruce Wayne was Batman?

To address the first: gee, I don’t know, how did the massive terrorist organization led by the antagonist of the first movie know who Bruce Wayne was? They only trained him and burned down his house. Similarly, it’s pretty easy with that information to put together that he’s Batman and that he has to be hiding all those heavy weapons somewhere. I can see this being a problem for people who didn’t see the first movie, but this is something professional film blogs were whining about.

To address the second: it’s not really a huge logical jump that the well-funded vigilante with all these advanced toys would have something to do with the local trillionaire. Blake’s entire speech was about how he saw right through Bruce’s routine about being a rich idiot with no day job, which is really the only thing that keeps people from realizing he’s Batman anyway. A better question is why Bruce didn’t establish that he and Batman are different people, like they did in the comics.

Batman Totally Heals Too Quickly For a Real World Back Injury

So, wait, you were OK with the constantly stoned body-builder, the decades-away fusion reactor, the insane helicopter, the city totally cut off from the rest of America by a terrorist, and the high-level jewel thief in a unitard on the motorcycle with the spinny wheel firing Howitzer shells, but the guy in the Batsuit getting over a broken back in a few months… that’s what bothers you, Captain Scientific Accuracy?

What bothers me about this crap is people whining about minor details in blatant fantasies. If you can’t roll with it, fine, but don’t act like it’s some sort of outrage that they glossed over medical science.

Bane’s Stock Scam Would Never Work In The Real World

It is true it’d be fairly easy to figure out that these trades were fraudulent, especially as they occurred during a massive terrorist attack.

Then again, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to assume that the kind of person who wants to commit securities exchange fraud under Bruce Wayne’s name would be aware of this. We’re talking about the kind of people who spend most of a decade planning revenge. They’re detail-oriented.

Bruce Totally Wouldn’t Have Boned Miranda Tate

Let’s review: Bruce is broke. He’s just lost his best friend and really the only father he’s had for most of his life. He’s just lost his family’s legacy. His car’s gotten repo’d. He’s at what has to be one of the lowest points of his entire life.

Then a woman he’s worked with before and has spent what little time she’s actually had in the movie blatantly hitting on him shows up and acts all interested. Also, she looks like this:

Factor this in too: he pretty obviously has not had sex in at least eight freaking years. Yes, he is a man of incredible self-control and mired in a deep mourning. But he’s not a robot.

The complaint is really that Miranda Tate is not a well-established character in the script, which is absolutely true. But to think this stretches the bounds of belief is to basically not understand people.

Batman Made a Big Fire Symbol In the Sky When The Clock Was Ticking

You know, because he wasn’t marshalling an army, so he didn’t need to inspire any morale. And he totally didn’t want to mess with Bane, either. That wasn’t one of his key objectives.

Seriously, was there something about this whole “inspiring fear” thing people don’t get?

Bruce Wayne Doesn’t Do Background Checks

This, normally, would bother me too, since this movie pulls this stunt twice, except for two things.

The first time it does it, it’s Selina Kyle. She needs the Clean Slate over time, yes. But for one night as banquet staff likely hired as a temp? She can probably gin up a good fake.

The second time it’s Miranda Tate, head of an enormous terrorist organization with complex ties and buckets and buckets of cash. Who, more to the point, was born completely off the grid. Does it look like there’s a Social Security office down in that hole? Faking an identity is easy where there’s no other identity to find.

Why Would Bane Ship Batman To That Prison?

Gee, I don’t know… he was following orders?

The objective is to break Bruce Wayne’s spirit, here. Yes, it was obviously time-consuming, but Bane obviously had some trusted lieutenants around. This isn’t a bank robbery, it’s a revenge plot. People getting revenge aren’t noted for their precise, rational actions.

More to the point, emotionally and intellectually, Bane is still down in that hole. Something the movie bears down rather hard on is spending a long time in that prison messes with you and this guy probably views being down this hole as his own special hell.

How Does Bruce Wayne Get Back to Gotham With No Resources?

He’s the f***ing Batman. Seriously, if any fictional character could pull this one off, it’s the f***ing Batman. Stop whining.

Why Does The Prison Have A Way Out?

Hey, you see the old guy? The one fixing Bruce Wayne? The one who does nothing but talk about the goddamn prison, why it’s designed the way it is, and its legends? The one who answers this question when Bruce Wayne asks him about it? THAT GUY?!

He wants you to hang up your cell phone and pay attention to the movie.

Why Isn’t Post-Isolation Gotham A Mess of Riots?

Generally when a bunch of guys with automatic weapons and Batmobiles are patrolling the streets killing anybody who pisses them off, city populations tend to stay indoors.

The Gotham Police Are Incompetent

Well, yeah. Gordon’s a good cop but he’s still cleaning up a corrupt department that suffered heavy losses during the events of The Dark Knight. Eight years is not a lot of time; some screw-ups are bound to slip through. Also keep in mind that we never see that there are any incompetent cops, just cops who aren’t privy to the same information the audience is and jerk cops.

A Non-Sarcastic Postscript

There’s nothing wrong with disliking (or liking) a movie. No movie fits everybody’s idea of a good time. And The Dark Knight Rises is far from perfect, even if it is an excellent movie. It amuses me that I went through pages of rants by professionals and not one asked, at any time, why Bane didn’t just kill all those cops trapped underground.

My problem with the articles I’ve been seeing is that they try to elevate personal dislike or minor errors into a gross artistic mistake. Just like Jim Emerson’s disgraceful video about how The Dark Knight had, like, totally crappy editing, this isn’t about the movies. It’s about appointing oneself the supreme arbiter of taste above all those disgusting little plebs.

It’s butthurt, pure and simple. Either Nolan isn’t living the artistic life that critics demand he does so they can vicariously live through him, or he didn’t follow up a classic with nearly freakish connections to the American subconscious with another one.

If you don’t like the movie, fine, but at least give it crap on its own merits.
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Yea...30 more minutes would've helped. Coulda had a scene of Bruce asking Alfred for help getting back into the city and Al pleading with him to give up on Gotham. That's 2 birds with 1 stone. I wanted more than just "surprise, lemme tell you bout paradise and Bane's whole backstory...deuces for an hour or 5 months or so...tears." :lol: It just felt like...oh yeah, I forgot you never died, when he popped up again.
And with JGL, it was just getting over my preconceived notions about what the film was gonna be and how much time they'd invest in basically an entire cast of new faces and characters, this late in the game at the cost of more time for Bruce, building up Bane or explaining _______. You wanted your big 25th hour plot twist, fine. I get it. But you're willing to paralyze the 2 most important characters' arcs and motivations until the very end of the film, where you completely emasculate one just to be disposed of and finally make one compelling just to paint the film with fail at every turn to the bitter end.
Act like you expected Matthew Modine in every other scene or JGL to keep giving him reasons to be in every other scene. They didn't fit JGL into the film that well imo. In TDK, there was air to breathe. They had new cop faces and characters floating in and out of the movie effortlessly. This is the end of a trilogy. In TDKR, they threw so many strange twists and changes to Gotham, Gordon and Bruce...then introduce Bane and Selina with mysterious motivations...It didn't feel like there was enough air for the little, seemingly unimportant, cop work and side missions JGL was doing. Esp. all the time they were giving to them and him...they just stuck out and didn't really flow into the story outside of...either it's obvious what you're doing, or you better have something clever up your sleeve. And as good as his explanation was, the kinda cheap way he knew _________, had me like >D. I get it, but they couldn't use that accountant or something? At least it's better than how Gordon... :smh:
And the 5 months thing...I get it and even like the idea, but it's a lot better in concept than what was realized. I'm fine with how they turned Gotham into No Man's Land, the poor rising up against the wealthy and the gangs and mercenaries running the city, but a 3 minute montage for a city of millions over months wasn't enough. And every part of how that relates to Bane and _______'s plan is ******ed. On it's own, if this was the big testament to some type of social injustice they showed us explicitly, sure...but without a real city's story getting shown from the ground up...without real reactions from the gov't or even the cops/people/gangs that didn't get trapped, then what was this? He didn't even say this was gonna stop the bomb, he told them the bomb was just his way of keeping the gov't from stepping in and stopping the people from getting theirs.
Without any of that, all of this was just to give Bruce something to watch on TV? He's just the Joker 2.0? Cuz the Joker did the same thing with the boats and bombs, and when no one flipped the switch, he was gonna. But he didn't talk up false hope and Gotham as a metaphor for the Pit. He didn't wait half a year for something that would've been good and done with in weeks. And for what? So when Bruce turned off the TV, that's it, game over?
And the bomb...exactly 5 months and change? Because you might as well leave it up to nature as to when this big experiment is finished? Exactly when the Pit stuff is done with? And waiting on something to kinda randomly happen, when you've got a switch you can hit when you're ready? Why would you have that? Why would you wait until the last minute to push it? Why would you sit there and wait for it to happen right in your face? Why would you drive it around town, when no one knows how to turn it off? And that something happened has a countdown to the second, to what sounds like a random unstable event that's more likely to happen later than sooner? So unstable and ready to go off any second that you could crash it and drag it across the asphalt of downtown Gotham? Besides, how could it be almost every cop and 5 months, when I see dudes crawling out of manholes, like Batman just put em there?
damn...didn't mean to write that much[emoji]8482[/emoji] :lol:
...long story short..er...the movie was epic, IMAX made a really great experience...the sound and music and cinematography were so on point, and it really is a lot of good ideas, good acting and strong characters. The screenplay had a lot of problems, but it goes down easier the 2nd time and I can't recommend IMAX enough. And it's not like it was bad like Prometheus' screenplay...just a lot of sacrifice for themes instead of the story and character arcs, and not enough attention to how things got from A to Z rather than any problems I had with Z.

Why blow the city right away? That's a legit question? Bane wanted the city to rot, he wanted the people to be desperate, to feel despair. Why end it just like that? And driving it around, that's to make sure no one nsneaks in and pulls the plug, so to speak. You saw agents tried to sneak in, if they were successeful and the bomb is just sitting there in a box, well then there's a chance, isn't there?

I get most of what you are saying, but I see an awful lot of nitpicking going on. Here's my question, was there this type of nitpicking with The Avengers? Them dudes was from straigh outer space, and that's alright, but Bruce comes home from prison, and we need an extra 6 scenes to know specifically how he got back. Maybe he used the skybridge, would that make everyone feel better? :lol:

O, give me a number. _ outta 10, give it to me. Complaints and all.
:lol: see basically none of those were really problems for me outside of a few where...I get you didn't have time, but I would've appreciated some more attention to it.

Why blow the city right away? That's a legit question? Bane wanted the city to rot, he wanted the people to be desperate, to feel despair. Why end it just like that? And driving it around, that's to make sure no one nsneaks in and pulls the plug, so to speak. You saw agents tried to sneak in, if they were successful and the bomb is just sitting there in a box, well then there's a chance, isn't there?
I just mean, the way it was portrayed, the bomb was an afterthought. They just wanted the city to go crazy...it did...after that it didn't really matter when the bomb went off and considering only 4 people know how to stop it...1's crooked, 1's dead, 1's dying and 1's under watch...it just felt like waiting for the clock to run out and having you and all your soldiers just sit there waiting to die too seems really random. It ain't quite the 5th of November.
I get most of what you are saying, but I see an awful lot of nitpicking going on. Here's my question, was there this type of nitpicking with The Avengers? Them dudes was from straigh outer space, and that's alright, but Bruce comes home from prison, and we need an extra 6 scenes to know specifically how he got back. Maybe he used the skybridge, would that make everyone feel better? :lol:
You don't remember me going in on The Avengers? The beginning is just ignorant and Whedon dialogue saved that movie. :lol:
O, give me a number. _ outta 10, give it to me. Complaints and all.
8/10 for the score, Catwoman and the batpod
Well, I mean, it was made pretty clear there was only one dude who could actually disarm the thing. And you killed him off.. And, at least initially, only like 2 people that would actually want to disarm the thing knew about the reactor. One was Fox, the other was Bruce. You got one laying in a pit and another is sitting in a big room arrested under your control with the mastermind of the whole thing sitting next to him.

So yeah, I don't get why you need to drive it around either. :lol:
That guy did absolutely nothing tl explain how the stock exchange scene woukd work or how it is nitpicking

I wrote alot of the same things O-NEG said. And they are not nitpicks. A 3 minute montage for no mans land was a giant waste of an opportunity. The acting anf ending saved it from being too disappointing thankfully

I said the same about the pit being a waste too.

They didnt give each enough attention.
The entire trilogy never gave enough attention to Gotham being this miserable, decaying city that was doomed for failure... It was a constant point of emphasis, but other than a few seconds here and there, all we ever saw was Bruce Wayne's penthouse, the mansion, and beautiful restaurants/parties full of wealthy people.

That's one gripe that goes for the entire thing. We were just supposed to believe it was wht they said it was, but we never actually saw that. I wanted to see more of that, especially in Rises...
See, I'm sorry but those are nitpicks like crazy.

You want more of the no mans land, more of the pit, more of 2-3 characters, you wanted a three and a half hour film, or what the ****?

They explained that pit 9 times. They showed flashbacks, explained things, hope, despair, all of it. The girl, the protector, Ras Al comin in and killin folks, bein disgusted by Bane......and ya'll want MORE? :lol: I mean, I guess he could have shown a brick by brick building of the prison, maybe show each prisoner being brought in there one by one over the years, that woulda helped.

They delivered a final film, that went just shy of 3 hours, one of THEE best 3rd films you're ever gonna find, after serious let downs like Spidey, or X, hell O is already tappin out after Irom Man 2, much less what he's gonna feel after a 3rd. Alien 3 was a let down, the list goes on and on. Return of the King was really the only 3 I can think of that was solid, and it was another 3 hours of what 1 and 2 was, walkin thru a forrest and havin battles. That trilogy was 9 hours of the same ****, I mean damn. This one was three different stories, all brought together, woven in and out seperately, building on each other the whole way thru. But folks are getting upset because this guy or that guy didn't get enough screen time, or too much, or this minor detail, etc.

You guys want the prison to get much more time, but if that happened, then someone else is losin time., and then that would get complained about. :smh:

All the buzz, all the negative stuff, and yet my man drops an 8 on it. ****. :lol:

I honestly don't remember, were these kind of complaints rampant in TDK? Or was everyone just high off Joker? Did we pick apart the cell phone system that Fox ran? The high and mighty moral code that Fox felt it was wrong to search for a homicidal maniac thru some phones? The whole pick up with a plane flying by? The school bus pulling out of a building and no one says nothin. Did we all nitpick that **** to death in 08? How Bat managed to be in that room, right beside Joker and no one made any noice about it? "Well, hellllooo beautiful" is the only thing I remember getting uneasy about. :rofl: One man scarin the mob, THE MOB, burnin piles and piles of money, how the hell he slide down that pile anyways?

All this, is the same as what is being done right now. If this is so crappy, and so many holes, but it's an 8, then what was TDK, a 10? Cuz a 9 isn't gonna do it justice if this mishap of a movie is an 8, ya know what I mean?

*shrugs* Maybe Nolan just set the bar a lot higher with TDK and Inception, and now people are demanding a ton more. I dunno.
Now Dirk, THAT is a legit complaint that I like. I agree, Gotham was sold as miserable, but overall seemed alright. That I can get behind.

My only guess, he did show dirty cops, he did show the people on the boats being good enough to see thru Joker, he did crack open the prison a couple times, and in the 3rd, he mentions that the streets are clean after the Harvey Dent act. 8 years of peace and quiet, only then did Bane **** is all back up again.

Blake even said pretty soon we'll be chasing cats out of trees, and they made fun of Gordon still worrying all the time, even tho the crime stats were down all over.

I see your comlaint, but Nolan did address some things, or at least, attempted too.
It really bugged me in Begins. Felt like it was a big oversight and missed opportunity in Begins, especially given how short they went with the runtime. Even 15-20 minutes of some different looks at Gotham and the Narrows in Begins would've set the scene for the trilogy and he could've gotten away with less of it in the last two.

But in Rises... Damn man. Your main plot point was Bane trying to bring Gotham to its knees. To have people just running wild and the poor and ex-cons taking power for themselves... And we literally never see it aside from the 30 second clip right after Bane busts open the prison. The closest we get after that is... When? I really don't remember one other scene where we saw anything Bane wanted to happen actually happening.

Same thing with the prison. We're supposed to believe this was hell on Earth. It was the most miserable place Bane could imagine... And I just didn't get that from it. It was a place where Bruce laid and was fed and taken care of as he watched TV until his back got better. :lol: That's really all I got out of it until he climbed out.

Christopher Nolan THRIVES on these types of things in his other films, but he never pulled that kind of stuff out of any of the environments in really any of the Batman 3...
Return of the King was really the only 3 I can think of that was solid, and it was another 3 hours of what 1 and 2 was, walkin thru a forrest and havin battles. That trilogy was 9 hours of the same ****, I mean damn.


Walking through a forest and having battles?

Edoras, Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, Paths of the Dead, Minas Morgul, Mount Doom, Mordor...

Walkin thru the woods?

Walking thru nature?

Give a kid a break, ****. Least I didn't say 99% of LOTR fans think it. :lol:
No and I cant. The Yuku tools in charge deleted my account :smh: At least the one that wasn't permabanned from old NT :lol: Someone with an account over there should go fish him out if he hasn't already sworn off the site completely.
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