Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Have you seen the first two movies? Because if you haven't then I'd suggest you stop immediately and watch them. I won't say you can't appreciate or enjoy the movie without seeing the first two, but I wouldn't recommend watching it as a standalone movie.

The things you just complained about are probably what most people love about the movies :lol: The conversations, the characters, the long, extended scenes... it's what makes the trilogy of movies unique and praised.
Have you seen the first two movies? Because if you haven't then I'd suggest you stop immediately and watch them. I won't say you can't appreciate or enjoy the movie without seeing the first two, but I wouldn't recommend watching it as a standalone movie.

The things you just complained about are probably what most people love about the movies
The conversations, the characters, the long, extended scenes... it's what makes the trilogy of movies unique and praised.
Oh crap, it's a trilogy?
. I truthfully had to no idea. Just saw it online and decided to watch it.

1995, 2004, 2013 and the two leading actors keep coming back. That's crazy.
:lol: Yeah it is. You could still dislike the movies because they all feature long conversations with not a lot "going on" but I loved them. Not every movie could pull it off, but this series did. They kept coming back and in the 2nd and 3rd they also helped co-write the screenplays. Even if you dislike the style/format, it's at least a unique trilogy because you see these characters grow older and catch them at three very different points in their lives. And the 2nd one plays out in real time which is interesting too.
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I'd say so.

It won't be for everyone, but I like the director/style of movie and I'm a huge fan of the cast.
Just finished episode1 of season2 of The Wire.

A whole new cast of characters threw me off, but that ending in the cargo had me :wow: .

The pile of dead female bodies.

I'm interested in whether or not he Dock crew ties into Stringer and company.
Yeah it is. You could still dislike the movies because they all feature long conversations with not a lot "going on" but I loved them. Not every movie could pull it off, but this series did. They kept coming back and in the 2nd and 3rd they also helped co-write the screenplays. Even if you dislike the style/format, it's at least a unique trilogy because you see these characters grow older and catch them at three very different points in their lives. And the 2nd one plays out in real time which is interesting too.
That's a pretty interesting concept. I think I'll revisit it later, starting from the beginning. Right now that car ride conversation followed by the long dinner conversation has me feeling winded.

I really recommend Jagten to anyone who hasn't seen it. It's a foreign movie but it's definitely worth it and half the film is in English anyhow. Really thought provoking movie. Not to sound creepy but the dynamic of rape cases is really interesting. More than any other type of case, we feel so protective of the victims that it feels wrong to question them about it and you never look at the accused the same even if they are acquitted. The director made the film's point/metaphor just obvious enough to get without making it too easy.
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Drinking Buddies bored me to the point of completely losing interest about half-way through, but I still wouldn't tell someone not to give it a look. May have been a case of it just not being my type of thing.
Uhh, I'm all for women directing, but what kind of pedigree does Elizabeth Banks have that she just just start directing wide release films? :lol:
Pitch Perfect was her idea according to the release. She produced and starred in it. Don't think she wrote it, but they claim it was her baby.

This time she'll direct it.
I always look at an actor differently when I hear they're directing not necessarily in a bad way though. From DeNiro to Eastwood to Gosling. Makes me want to check it out a little bit more than all of the other directors where you kinda know what you're going to get.
Master Zik Master Zik

I feel similarly, always find it very admirable when an actor has that much of a passion/dexterity for the medium that they move to the director's chair.
Superbowl Jaguar commercial featuring Mark Strong, Ben Kingsley, & Tom Hiddleston. There's a longer version, but it doesn't look like it's hit "the internets" yet.
Uhh, I'm all for women directing, but what kind of pedigree does Elizabeth Banks have that she just just start directing wide release films? :lol:

happens all the time. Gosling is doing it this year with How to Catch a Monster.

If you're a big enough actor they'll give you the reigns, or if you convince the right people
40 minutes into "Before Midnight." How is this rated so high. It's entirely just mundane conversations carried by characters that aren't particularly interesting -- nothing else. I give up. I guess it's just not meant for me.

IF you haven't seen the first two movies then you're wasting your time and judging a film unfairly.

If you HAVE seen the first two films and this is what you thought of Before MIdnight, one of the best films of the year, then I feel bad for you.
Drinking Buddies bored me to the point of completely losing interest about half-way through, but I still wouldn't tell someone not to give it a look. May have been a case of it just not being my type of thing.

I felt similarly. I don't like the film as much as other people but the trio of Johnson, Wilde and Kendrick are reason enough to watch the film
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