[h3]Inventory Issues[/h3]
Some of the items in your cart became unavailable during your checkout process.
Got a 10.5 in my cart but sold out at checkout! Damn u clots - Your giving me blood clots just trying to cop!
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Struck out on Blends, as well.

Did anyone else feel like they had a really good chance getting the Clots on Blends since no one mentioned their store on the thread? I did, haha.
I think the link was available exactly at 12pm pst but only given to a chosen few. (Friends and family). Thats why when it went live it was all gone.
The whole thing was extremely quick, and went really smoothly. I thought it'd be a mess like Juice, but I can't believe I got my size! 

Considering how fast these sold out, it was actually a smooth release online. Their site didn't crash or lag at all.

I'll take an instant "Sold Out" message over waiting in a virtual line for 20 minutes only to find out that your size is sold out any day.
The link popped up at like 3:05 for me, I had my auto refresh on "new arrivals". Clicked 12, gone, tried 6.5, so I took it. Honestly way to much work to get one shoe smh
we all took a L.. only one guy got 9.5 so far on Twitter. Must be a crook behind this blend release.
You are aware that the same people that offer auto-cop services for Nike/FL offer the same service for Shopify-based sites as well, right?
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