2025 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

No more 13's, but he did ask how I found out about them being available!

The first rule of Niketalk.. Is that you don't talk about Niketalk...

Rofl. I love telling them, "I just knew, yo." or "A little birdie told me."
"I'm systematically calling every Nike SB store I can think of to see if they're selling them" "By the way would you like to see my Original Creations for Sonic the Hedgehog?"

thinking about passing on cali's for now and going after some french open air tech challenge's... hopefully prices aren't anything close to tiffs. 
The "first rule of NT" gifs and sidesteps of shops asking questions are pure genius, LMAO!!! I'm dying over here! Repped as many as I could!
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Some people can't/won't admit it that it's an addiction haha, repped
Thx. Been suffering since 01. It's easy when your broke even if hurts not to have, the prob is when you can afford to buy what you want and like just as bad as a kid in a candy store or me @ Rihanna's house. How can a man resist.
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