
Luong1209, my stats - This is awesome, great find!

Another social networking site? I'll just stick with NT, fb, and (finally) twitter.

Spoiler [+]
What's instagram though?
^^^^^^Peep the little right up by Bobby Hundo on his blog:

I think he hit some nice points. It's not a Twitter killer but just different. I prefer it actually over Twitter just cause I am more of a visual based person and Twitter just seems like too much unecessary information. Althought even on Instagram, I feel like people annoy me just as much as people on Twitter do. I hate seeing those messages via iPhone Notes where people have to address their crowd for some reason. Isn't that what a blog or Twitter is for?

Also I do like how it is training people to see things in a different visual sense. I sort of pride myself as a photographer but for some reason, I can't take pics on my iPhone for the life of me. It's like some sort of new challange to take pics just as if you had a DSLR. It should be no different as far as framing a photo, rule of thirds, etc.

I do hate how Instagram has ruined any lightroom/photoshop filter. I am never going to do a lomo edit again.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Wow, that is a pretty good write up and explanation about it. I kept hearing instagrm pop up on twitter and
would just see random pics on it and was curious about it. Thanks.
Im catching up on follow all my NT fam so follow @Sbeamin. i do a clean up every Sunday so if you dont follow back or you suck then your out just being real
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