People becoming trolls without knowing it.

9 pages 

away from being done with hw. nt putting on drama though
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Just so we're on the same page--this thread was made with DCAllAmerican in mind, right?

No hate on DC, just noticed certain things about his posts...

And DC these days is nothing like what he used to be. I think OP is unfairly correlating NT to real life people he's seen though
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Alot of times you know what somebody means by the context of the conversion and by using common sense but the Troll inside of you comes out and won't allow the conversation to flow. 

Rant over.

It's like when Ninjahood says he's Dominican and everyone wants to get all butthurt cause he didn't mention "black" or "Afro"Like cmon fam we all see the color of his skin. Why must he throw those words in just for your satisfaction?Let that boy be Dominican.You don't have to troll us with all your copy and pasted wikipedia articles.
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