the thread about nothing...

Someone is getting yambs tonight 

Bruhh.... I feel ur pain .., im dying here...

claritin isnt workin anymore ...

To you and all the TAN Allergy sufferers, get a hold of Prednisone. It's a prescription pill that's intended on treating severe allergies.

I've taken them in the past, and took one last night before bed and woke up this morning feeling worlds better.
Ketel sounds pretty good. I want my Veil but I don't feel like making the 10 minute drive to Total Wine for that....

I haven't rck'd since Tuesday 
Thats all I had last weekend. :lol:

Damn I wants a drink now.

I shall join my brethrens in a tasty beverage in celebration of Tan.G.I.F.
Rck2, neither can I, I was kidding with that. I'm sure it would be the most disgusting vodka on the market
How do you make yourself a verb?
You guys started it 

I'm literally laughing out loud, I didn't even realize I did that 
So I guess we'll switch it from "getting my Rck2 on" to getting "Rck'd"? I can dig it
 I've seen TAN'ers use rck's before 
I told someone in here they fat *** momma Rck'd a whole taco bell.

thadocta said he Rck'd my mom's taco.

I'm still scarred to this day about that...

right in my heart. 
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