the thread about nothing...

anyone remember the show MXC on Spike? that was the show 
I had plenty of laughs because of that show 
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It rains during the summer all the time here.
This is exactly what I was thinking 

I need Faiz to teach me his ways
you know faiz bout that simp or die life, heavy is the crown off a young simp

you don't want no part of that life pabs
a life I once lived many moons ago but maybe it's not in me anymore

so you might be right
Who is this Faiz you speak of?
I'm about to murk the hell outta my roommates

Real talk
With a straight face and in no uncertain terms, you utter this phrase: "overstep your bounds with me and I'mma fade you on sight" and don't say anything after. Now is the time to set the tone with roommates. Ain't nobody got time for ******** b.
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