the thread about nothing...

I'm still laughing over that
maybe they're going through dry spells or something
#NTVirginClique #standup
ya baby.....extra virgin
i got teary eyed at the end of training camp today 

i needed that 
what was your favorite part?

i would have to say bilbosh trolling

sad to hear sneaker girl about her car but hey that's what happens.

beh's picture of the guy in his building

rck saying that he will be drafting and driving

ox talking about skateboarding with jj

im sure i left something out
:wow: :smh: :x

Unfortunately NT has a large minority base, and with that stigma usually a parent is absent in the household so dudes don't know how to act or treat individuals.

Don't get me wrong, there's scum bag dudes in the world regardless.

But some don't help the stigma / situation.
What do you mean unfortunately go somewhere else then
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