the thread about nothing...

well excuse me
I've never actually been inside of a mini cooper, but all of the white families parked out of whole foods drive them so I thought they would be good family cars
Dont you want some blow baby?
I read this wrong the first time, thought you was trying to be the dude with the pack of red kool aid in jail at first 


Bout to watch that just to hear the song
Money money, money money money money moneeeeeeeeeey
Just scrolling thru the channels and this **** is on right now too

On the scene where Nino uses the little girl as a bulletproof vest
That's when I really hated Nino
Go Ninja Go Ninja Go
Say what's the deal with all this Rob Van Winkle??
Word on the street is he's a fraud, but at the time, I liked him

I hate mini coopers, they just annoy me
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