the thread about nothing...

How do you write those messages at the bottom of your replies. Like where people have their shoes for sale, link to their ig, or a quote or something. Thanks.
RIP sleazyy RIP sleazyy

Where can I find a wifey?

Go to a busy area populated by 20somethings.

Don't walk around muggin. make eye contact, be polite. Don't go too hard.

Read all of the faces you see. Anyone making prolonged eye contact back, smile at them. If they smile back, if they're out of voice range either mouth "hi" or wave them over/approach them. Go from there.

You will likely strike out 25 times before you get a number. Do not be deterred and do not allow your confidence to be shaken. Practice on super average chicks then use what you've learned to approach "dimes".

I'm certified GAD (general anxiety disorder), I used to get fried and hit local spots and just run game on random girls.
Go to a busy area populated by 20somethings.

Don't walk around muggin. make eye contact, be polite. Don't go too hard.

Read all of the faces you see. Anyone making prolonged eye contact back, smile at them. If they smile back, if they're out of voice range either mouth "hi" or wave them over/approach them. Go from there.

You will likely strike out 25 times before you get a number. Do not be deterred and do not allow your confidence to be shaken. Practice on super average chicks then use what you've learned to approach "dimes".

I'm certified GAD (general anxiety disorder), I used to get fried and hit local spots and just run game on random girls.

Man this would have gave me confidence because I passed a hottie the other night.


just watched FF6

such a horrible movie
Yes it was, but some of them cars 

How much money would it take for you to show your parents your search history and explain to them why you searched for it?
How much money would it take for you to show your parents your search history and explain to them why you searched for it?

not 100% sure I could do this
 I'm talking 20 mill at least.... 40 mil if that includes incognito/TOR browsing.
Both of these 

My bic is purple....that'll stop them!
main reason I cop noticeable colors, so dudes won't try to jack my ****.

Black for daily carry, Newport green, pink, and white lighters for social situations.
 Same colors I used to use, also purple n orange
no worse feeling than the all day hang over....
Word, I've been there. OJ, a light painkiller, n some rest
First day at the new job. 46 miles round trip, 2 miles more than the CBS spot. :smh:Its a drug rehab facility. Its going to be very interesting. I just need to experience so I can get something closer.
If a dude offers you cheeseburgers, run.

how you gon support her?
lol I hope to find one with understanding as her strength
understanding don't pay the bills though...
But she'll understand why she has to do what she's doing 

Smoke some good today for the first time in 3 weeks n the second time in 4 months. Felt the best I've felt in a while.
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