the thread about nothing...



What's the Avengers without Loki? *shrug*
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nters stay over homophobic to th point where it is ayo to compliment another man. Unless its gosling or kanye which is ironic. NT took an immature turn for the worst
Man you are always telling stories and putting in your two cents. Then when people ask you something straight up you want to be coy and pussyfoot around. 


Blanket statements and "
" are not asking something straight up. If that is how you ask a woman out straight up, I don't know what to say.
Dudes asked what you meant point blank period. You are the one that brought it up so if you don't want to talk about it then keep your mouth shut. What does asking out a woman have to do with how someone addressed you in this thread. You always talk about being a grown up. Well I think you should put on the big boy pants.
Man you are always telling stories and putting in your two cents. Then when people ask you something straight up you want to be coy and pussyfoot around. 


Blanket statements and ":nerd: " are not asking something straight up. If that is how you ask a woman out straight up, I don't know what to say.
Dudes asked what you meant point blank period. You are the one that brought it up so if you don't want to talk about it then keep your mouth shut. What does asking out a woman have to do with how someone addressed you in this thread. You always talk about being a grown up. Well I think you should put on the big boy pants.

nters stay over homophobic to th point where it is ayo to compliment another man. Unless its gosling or kanye which is ironic. NT took an immature turn for the worst

We talking about the same NT, where dudes joke about hugging eachother caringly and sharing snuggies?

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Dudes asked what you meant point blank period. You are the one that brought it up so if you don't want to talk about it then keep your mouth shut. What does asking out a woman have to do with how someone addressed you in this thread. You always talk about being a grown up. Well I think you should put on the big boy pants.

Well it looks like you told me and put me in my place sir. I appreciate the ever so humbling advice and will heed the notion in my future endeavors.

Carry on.

you sleeping with your roommate brah? Or are we talking live-in girlfriend? Once a month, it better just be a female roommate and a once a month drunk mistake
Nah, my female friend is the one not getting any. Her bf's excuse is that they live with other people and does not want to make it awkward.
Contrary to popular inexperiened teenage beliefs on NT.....not every woman has a high sex drive like those displayed on redtube. A woman's sex drive can make a break a relationship, just like finances/religion/etc.
I wouldn't be worried, but if this is who she is and you don't see her compromising to meet your needs......start looking for a new cohabitant.
She's probably the frekiest girl I know. So it's a bit weird that her bf would turn her down and use lame excuses such as "I'm too tired from work" or "someone is in the living room"
shes getting it elsewhere
tyrone > tahrone
I'm thinking he's cheating
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depends, if he was always like this... then it's normal
if it's a recent change, it's an emotional issue, most likely from the guilt associated from cheating.

nters stay over homophobic to th point where it is ayo to compliment another man. Unless its gosling or kanye which is ironic. NT took an immature turn for the worst

said the white guy who uses the Nword....

why are you bringing his race into this?

seems awfully racist

So just bringing up someone's race is racist now?


using that GIF is super double dog racist :nerd:
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Wifi at school is so damn slow. Trying to DL this practice quiz and the page is taking forever to load smh
While quite hard to fathom, far from astonishing. There are many factors that affect someone's sexual appetite. Decrease in sex drive? Had kids? Been raped? Lacks confidence? Hasn't had good sex, therefore doesn't enjoy it yet? Not good at it herself? Body image issues?
Infinite possibilities. Unless one truly wants to take the time to change that complex or has failed after addressing the issue......time to move on. Plenty of women out there with healthy sexual appetites.
Their sex life was actually healthy. They've been together for almost 3 years and the sex went from once a week to once a month. She's fairly attractive and like I mentioned, has the sex drive of an 18 year old.
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