2/19 WWE Elimination Chamber PPV - Raw & SD EC Matches, Cena vs Kane, Prediction Contest (p40)

Oct 15, 2000

With just six days until the Elimination Chamber PPV, things are definitely heating up in WWE on the Road to WrestleMania.  Two weeks ago, we got a great episode of Raw.  Last week was a step back, mainly because the show was largely filled with talking and video packages.  The show opened with HHH coming out to address the crowd.  I had my doubts about HHH initially rejecting The Undertaker's offer for a WrestleMania rematch, but they made it work really well last week.  HHH said he may have lost the match, but The Undertaker lost the war because Taker couldn't stand after the match, had to be carted out, and hasn't been seen in 10 months.  HHH didn't want to leave Taker laying like this again.  The Undertaker then appeared on the Titantron with a video package where it showed him obsessing over last year's match.  He said he wouldn't be remembered as an injured man, and he would get his revenge on HHH this year at WrestleMania.  HHH still rejected his offer, but they definitely set the seeds for a good story.  I think it would have been better if just HHH did his piece last week, and then this week we could have got The Undertaker video to slow things down a bit, but it was still good.  HHH was backstage with John Laurinaitis when Big Johnny told him that HBK would be returning this week on Raw.  So the question is, why is HBK coming back and what will he have to say to HHH?  We know that the plan is for HBK to be the special guest referee between HHH and Taker, but how will we get to that point?  I would lay the story out like this:

HBK comes back and tells HHH that HHH has to face The Undertaker at Mania to get revenge, not just for HHH, but for HBK since Taker retired him.

HHH still refuses, saying he has nothing left to prove.  (I would leave it here for this week).

The Undertaker demands a match from HHH, and agrees that he will let HBK be the special guest ref of the match but only if HHH put his career on the line.

You now have the perfect storyline with HBK.  Will he screw The Undertaker out of the streak?  Or will he count the 3 count to retire his best friend, HHH.

The key is, we're still 7 weeks away from WrestleMania, so whatever they do, they need to pace it out and keep things slow.

The other big event from last week's Raw was at long last, Chris Jericho finally addressed the crowd and spoke for the first time since his return.  He said it was the end of the world as we know it.  The end of thievery, plagiarism, and liars claiming to be what they aren't.  He said everyone stole his character.  The Miz wore suits and talked like he did (very true).  From here, things became a stretch.  He talked about Punk saying he's the best in the world (that's stealing from Daniel Bryan), how Kofi does high flying moves (uh, ok), how Ziggler comes to the ring with a woman (yeah, because Jericho was the 1st to have a valet), and I forget what he said about Truth.  At this point, Punk came out.  Jericho yelled that he was the best in the world.  In response, Punk held up the WWE Title and just so happened to be wearing a brand new shirt that says Best in the World.  Punk turned his back and walked away from Jericho without saying a word.  Jericho screamed at him to say something, cleverly turning Jericho's gimmick on him.  I still would have liked a much bigger payoff to Jericho's claim of it being the end of the world as we know it (like who SHE is and what that red rubber ball meant), but at least it sets up his program with Punk.  Plus, it puts the focus on the title actually meaning you are the best in the world, and that's something WWE hasn't focused on in a long, long time.

The main event of the show was Punk vs Jericho vs Miz vs Truth vs Ziggler vs Kofi in a Six Pack Challenge.  The winner of the match would get to enter the Elimination Chamber last this Sunday.  During the match, Truth did a running tope over the top rope to the outside onto Miz.  However, Miz completely, for lack of a better term, wussed out of the spot and moved out of the way of catching Truth.  Truth hit the ground hard, slamming the back of his head in the process.  Truth was helped to the back and taken out of the match.  Jericho went on to win the match, stealing the win from Punk after Punk hit the GTS on Ziggler.  So Jericho will enter the Chamber last.  The real story of the match though was The Miz's carelessness allowing Truth to get injured.  He was chewed out by HHH backstage and is now deeper in the dog house than he already was.  Things are not looking bright for Miz right now.  I'm very interested to see how he's booked tonight, at the Chamber, and going forward.

John Cena was shockingly not on last week's show.  However, Kane and Eve were.  Eve had a bad night.  She got her nose broke by Beth Phoenix taking a stiff clothesline during a divas match.  Then, in an absolutely terrible backstage segment to close the show, Kane held Eve hostage backstage, saying that Cena was starting to embrace the hate, and Kane was now afraid of himself.  Eve screamed in terror.  This is so freaking stupid.  If WWE comes up with anything worse than this program this year, I'm really going to slam my head against the wall.

I was just thinking about The Elimination Chamber PPV.  The problem with the PPV is that every top star in WWE is essentially tied up in the two Chamber matches (and Cena and Kane are having their own match).  It doesn't leave much for the undercard.  I guess you can throw in a Divas match (seems they're going towards Beth vs Tamina), and maybe some type of throwaway tag team match?  Five matches is probably enough, but they're really only promoting a 3 match show which isn't a good thing.

Lastly, I've been working on some things for the NTWT Universe.  They'll hopefully be posted up tonight, but definitely no later than Wednesday.  We'll also have the Elimination Chamber PPV Prediction Contest, probably opening up on Friday.
I purchaed the WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Magazine today and found this advertisement very interesting.

Look at Taker's head....maybe a storyline so the short hair doesn't seem weird once he takes his hat off at Mania?
That picture is so weird.

And don't worry, we still love you, Rusty.

Well, not like that. I don't want Chris Hansen knocking on my door.
That is odd with the Taker head...

Do they kick off with HHH again then HBK to talk to him in the ring or do they do a backstage thing. If they kick the show off with hbk and hhh i hope Taker shows up at the ramP and just does the throat slash thing. I agree with 4w, gotta be slow with the build up. Maybe taker goats hhh and hbk with a video package showing him beating them up at various WM.
That picture makes me realize that 3 attitude era wrestlers and then John Cena make up the main events for WM this year.

Hell, even throw in Chris Jericho with the WWE Title main event.
I hope Raw starts with HBK and HHH. An Undertaker appearance would make it much better, but I still just see them showing video packages.
Got a few questions answered by a WWE writer. (Seriously)

And here we go..

"I am a member of WWE’s creative team working primarily on Smackdown. In the past I also worked on ECW and the first three seasons of NXT. I am fairly low on the totem pole so I don’t have any knowledge of the more main event aspects of the shows and rarely do I know about what will happen at PPVs unless I’m actually there."

-What's the deal with the cruiserweight show?
"Nothing I'm afraid, I was asked if I'd be interested in working on a new show but I wasn't told any details."

Natalya farting..seriously?
"Okay. As far as I know she said something on twitter that made somebody angry. All I can say for sure is that one day we were planning a face turn and a feud with Beth Phoenix and the next we were told to scrap all plans in favor of farting. For what it's worth, it's not supposed to be long term."

D. Bry's Yes gimmick.. who came up with it?
"I don't think anyone but Bryan is behind that. He just did it one day and the road agents liked it."

What kinda main event am I getting tomorrow @ the Fresno show?
"It should be Big Show vs. Randy Orton, but (And I'm sure you expected this) the card is subject to change."

Any network programming news?
"I don't really know much about the network since it's not really my division. I heard that they want to pull a Disney channel and produce a WWE made for TV movie every month and air it on the network though."

Who will Claudio feud with when he gets on the main roster?
"No plans yet, but I've talked to a few people about debuting Claudio into a program with Sheamus and it's getting pretty positive responses."

Funnest project you've been a part of?
"The entirety of NXT season 3. It was the most fun I have ever had in my life, much less my career."

Is HHH/Taker going down?
"It's happening. For the entire last year it was sort of the reserve feud that would happen if they couldn't come up with anything else. Barrett, Sheamus, and Del Rio were all pegged as possible opponents at various times but they wanted something bigger for the 20th match. For a very brief period there was talk about Jericho or Punk facing him but I don't think that was ever serious."

Future plans for D. Bry?
"As long as Bryan stays on Smackdown he'll continue to be around the main event. The idea with him right now is that it doesn't matter who he feuds with, it'll produce good results. Sin Cara is expected to work with Bryan when he returns. It's very likely that Bryan will be in the championship match at Wrestlemania. Whether he'll be the champion or not though, hard to say. Bryan is impressing the right people. Bryan had a lot of support from pretty much all of the younger writers. The seniors were the hesitant ones but I think he's winning them over now. The real test will come when he inevitably loses the title. How a wrestler performs when they go from spotlight to middle of the card means a lot to those people. Big Show won't win unless for some reason half of the chamber gets injured beforehand. "

Who's difficult to work with?
"It really depends on what you mean by difficult. I never liked delivering notes to Punk because I knew he wouldn't give them much thought anyway, but he produced good results so it didn't matter. Alternatively Del Rio would always do what we told him but he has a bit of an ego so I didn't like going over stuff with him."

When is Christian coming back?
"The raw team has been asking for him lately so he might switch brands with the draft."

Why hasn't funkman been on TV?
"Because Raw wants him as a comedy wrestler and Smackdown wants him in a feud. This is the kind of thing that happens when we try to share talent."

What's the deal with Drew Mac?
"Trying to turn him face. The Raw team gave him back to us at a really bad time, but after Wrestlemania I have some faith."
Kane vs Undertaker would have made sense now, "Kane..... you burned my hair, now i'll burn you alive!"
 Taker with the Human Torch/Ghost Ryder hybrid.

currently sipping a beer watching the Westminister Kennel Club Dog Show on USA until RAW comes on to hopefully create a contrast and false sense of entertainment due to the fact that i'm sure RAW will be no more entertaining than last week.
With all this time between now and Mania, HBK being on Raw tonight makes no sense, unless its for sure he's only there tonight to convince Hunter of accepting the match and then appearing later down the road get in as the referee.

I'd book it like this, tonight have HBK there tonight to slowly convince HHH to accept, but he doesn't accept for like another week or two. One or two more good videos egging HHH's ego that he has to be the one to end the streak, that it would eat at him if someone else did it.
Next they do something where however they name or don't add a stipulation (Streak vs Career is obvious) or if its a gimmick match, then HHH says yes to it on the condition that only one person can be the referee for a match "this big" and out comes HBK.

Then you can go into the possibilities 4w mentioned.

Regardless the only certain is the production team will be on point with the video packages...
oh god, alicia foxx was there horribly acting too?
just realized....cena wasn't on the show live last week. meaning tonight will be Cena heavy. 
if AJ wasn't famous, i could pick her up with ease.

i could probably still do it now, but im not 100% sure, we'll see.
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