Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

don't know if its been mentioned before, but does anyone think Walt might somehow give the family his money through Gretchen and Elliot?
Americone dream is colbert's Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

There's no connection. It's just the ice cream Todd gave to Jesse.

Warren Buffet was born in Omaha. Again, no connection. Just the city Saul was headed for.

Colbert/Bufett are big fans of the show.
am I the only one that thought it was Kevin Spacey that spoke to Skyler about what she's gonna be charged with?
iyen, I thought you posted about a live action Death Note series at first but realized it was the cartoon. I watched the anime and it was pretty entertaining. You ever watch the 2 live action movies? I need to check them out.
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Interesting comment from the grantland recap:
I mean people were saying that the americone ice cream flavor was a tip of the hat to stephen colbert and the omaha reference was to warren buffett, so i wouldnt be shocked at VG taking a shot at AMC like this.
But he did thank AMC at the Emmys last night. I guess he kind of had to because it would be classless otherwise, but the show is over so he didnt reaallyy have to.

I just got into the show a month ago so I'm not up on the various politics but AMC are absolute fools for not putting everything into BB. 
Yeah, but AMC also tried to push crappy Low Winter Sun on us.

They didn't value their show like they should have. That's not Mad Men or Walking deads fault but AMC execs
Is Keyser Size GOAT of all villains? It's very possible he could be the puppeteer of everything in the BB world.
Conan opened the show with Andy in a barrel buried in the desert
post it in a spoiler for those who don't get to see it yet
Bryan straight up said he poked Anna with his "hair spray can". Im sure both of them are married too lol
Damn that little conversation between Odenkirk and Conan was a little awkward.
Almost as if they had some beef from back in the day.
Saying Mad Men is just about a guy who gets laid and people who drink is very reductive. It would be like saying The Sopranos is "Just about a mobster who kills people" or Breaking Bad is "about a guy who gets cancer and cooks meth". You're missing the larger themes of the show. And it's not meant to be an insult, it's not as if all the themes and concepts are hidden and you have to decode them :lol: but it's deeper than the surface dismissals of "Oh he's just drinking and cheating every season". Don, Peggy, Pete, have all become complex and developed characters over the course of the show. And anyone saying "It's still the same show" either stopped watching or can't pay attention :lol: It's not the same stories, last season was incredible and I can't wait for their final seasons.

It's a slower paced show without any action, so it's difficult to compare watching Breaking Bad vs. Mad Men in that respect. Watching Breaking Bad is an experience.. there's tension and suspense, which Mad Men can't offer in the same way. Again, saying it's just the same stuff would be like saying Breaking Bad is just "Walt and Jesse get in over their heads, then they get a plan to save themselves" Wasn't that the case with Krazy 8?... then Tuco?... then Gus?...

Mad Men is slower and some people just can't get into it.. I understand that. But just because you can't get into it or you get bored doesn't mean it's not good. It's still one of the best shows ever.
Good post. I watched about halfway through season 1 expecting there to be some overarching story. Something that ties every character together, but never got it.

That's what bored me. I felt as if there was no real overall story to follow. Just a bunch of individual characters going about their business.

Then again it takes me a few watches to get completely into anything. I had to watch the Breaking Bad pilot at least 3 times for it to click.:lol:

I plan on forcing myself to watch since it's considered one of the great shows of our time and I don't wanna be left out.:lol:

I'm on that as well. I have Breaking, Sopranos, and The Wire on my resume along with the first 5 seasons of Dexter in terms of greatness, the only ones I need to check into are MM, The Shield, and maybe Sons of Anarchy. Possibly could get back into Boardwalk Empire if it grows.

I don't know about Thrones. Maybe at some point, just not yet. I think MM is next on my to do list.
dexter was only good for 4 seasons..but the last 4 knocked it outta that level.. i have GoT and Boardwalk(dont get the hate) on my list along with the other 3 you mentioned
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