Potential New Phoenix Suns Uniforms....Vol 94Feet, can you confirm or deny?

Jan 19, 2007
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Not bad.  I don't like the abbreviated "PHX". 

Those are a little better than what they're playing in now but they still kinda look like WNBA unis....
I'd redo the logo especially if they're getting new unis....I think that would make a world of difference to me...
this PS doesn't even pass the smell test. Nike sleeve and Adidas shoes in the road jersey images, but Nike shoes in the home jersey image. Yeah, gonna go with deny on this one.
They need to get rid of the PHX abbreviation and get a new logo.
Looks like something Nike would make for a college team, as opposed to an Adidas made pro uniform. So I'm gonna say fake. 
The Suns are due, though. their current uni's been there for over 10 years & are 
oh yea diani taurasi is gonna look dope in that next season
I like these

Always hated the "PHX" abbreviation though. It just looks odd.

knew it wasnt real but come on, the shorts look like rec league practice shorts.

jerseys are just as bad as the current ones with the stupid wide shoulders.
Looks fan made.
Nike Horns, doesn't look very Adidas-y.
Also, there's KDs on the home and Adidas on the away
There are some interesting concepts on his webpage - and some nice renderings - but he lost me when he described the Bulls pinstripe as "not the easiest on the eye".

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