How Depressing: Bus Monitor in Upstate NY is bullied by Middle Schoolers (Link inside)

Apr 19, 2005
Came across this story while reading the paper online..very depressin..but the bright side of this..people are raisin money for her in order to send her on vacation..good gesture..but someone has to hold these kids are gettin worse and worse..and I see it everyday as a think they can run all over without any consequences..

There are many times where I bite my tongue when I deal with my middle school kids..some of them I just wanna smack the crap out of..but I realize they're kids and they will learn a valuable lesson later on in life when they keep actin out as the video below shows..

Here is the mini-article about the story..and mods I apologize in advance..the video linked to the newspaper has cursin in it..but everyone please watch's 10 mins..and its truly somethin that needs to b discussed on here..

[h2]UPDATE: Awful children who should be grounded for life[/h2]
June 20, 2012 at 2:54 pm by Scott Waldman, Staff writer

Update: Here’s a link that will take you to an account people have created to send the bus aide on the vacation of a lifetime. Today alone, $8k has been raised.

Here is a video of some middle school boys in Greece, outside of Rochester, taunting a bus aide for 10 minutes straight. It’s hard to watch.

These children, it can be said with certainty, are awful. Most of the adults who watch this will be disgusted that children can even be this disrespectful. It contains many comments too graphic to even repeat here.

Among the worst, include “what size bra are you? triple sag
It's disgusting.

Kids today have no respect for adults, or even the elderly. Kids NEED an *@%-whoopin to keep them in check. It pained me to watch this last night.
This video really pissed me off. I swear, I would beat the **** out of all these kids. Kids these days are so damn ignorant.
How the woman didn't stand up and scream/inform the driver of what was going on is beyond me, but man, those kids deserve the worst of punishments. 
was watching this on WSHH. very sad. those kids gonna get it once they get older.
It was very difficult to watch..she basically took the verbal abuse..and the video had to go viral in order for somethin to happen..
30 seconds is all I could watch.

How #@%+*$@ dare you speak to someone like that as if you have the right to.

Anyone involved needs to be slapped repeatedly.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

It's disgusting.

Kids today have no respect for adults, or even the elderly. Kids NEED an *@%-whoopin to keep them in check. It pained me to watch this last night.

Not their fault man. As my man Miyagi said, "No such thing...bad student. Always bad teacher."

The parents aren't parents because a lot of them are still kids themselves. So of course they don't teach them the things they need to do to be respectable civilians.
But we all know this.
Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

It would be awesome if the same thing happened to your grandmother
I guess the same could be said about all the times you laughed at someone getting hit in the nuts on america's funniest home video 

I apologize for having a different sense of you humor than you.

I'm sorry that I might be from a different race, gender, and creed as well.

maybe one day I'll be good enough to walk on the same side as the street as you 
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

I guess the same could be said about all the times you laughed at someone getting hit in the nuts on america's funniest home video 

I apologize for having a different sense of you humor than you.

I'm sorry that I might be from a different race, gender, and creed as well.

maybe one day I'll be good enough to walk on the same side as the street as you 
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